Army Electronic Warfare ‘Is A Weapon’ – But Cyber Is Sexier

Army Electronic Warfare ‘Is A Weapon’ – But Cyber Is Sexier
Army Electronic Warfare ‘Is A Weapon’ – But Cyber Is Sexier

WASHINGTON: “Electronic warfare is a weapon,” fumed Col. Joe Dupont. But as the Army’s project manager for EW programs — and its recently declassified offensive cyber division — Dupont faces an uphill battle against tight budgets and Army culture to make that case. Whoever rules the airwaves will be able to keep their networks and sensors…

New Weapons Spell Death For Drones; The Countermeasure Dance

New Weapons Spell Death For Drones; The Countermeasure Dance
New Weapons Spell Death For Drones; The Countermeasure Dance

AUSA: For years, Predator drones have been able to fly unopposed through most of their missions. If we can do that, you can be sure other countries are working hard to deploy drones to do to us as we have done to them. Taking the classic dance of measure and countermeasure, strike and counterstrike, the Army and other…

Army Electronic Warfare Goes On The Offensive: New Tech Awaits Approval

WASHINGTON: Today, somewhere inside the Pentagon, senior Army officers will likely recommend development of new radio-jamming equipment for the post-Afghan War world. After a decade desperately playing defense against radio-detonated IEDs — and, before that, a decade of neglect in the 1990s — Army electronic warfare is taking the offensive again. With their eyes on…