New Satellite Imagery Rules Hover In Interagency Limbo

New Satellite Imagery Rules Hover In Interagency Limbo
New Satellite Imagery Rules Hover In Interagency Limbo

“You can’t hide very well” in space, one industry official said, “So, I think the government is going to have to get over that, and recognize space is a free place.”

Adjutants General Ignore OSD & Lobby Congress For Space Guard

Adjutants General Ignore OSD & Lobby Congress For Space Guard
Adjutants General Ignore OSD & Lobby Congress For Space Guard

PENTAGON: Frustrated with the slow pace of decision-making on the issue, National Guard leaders in states with space units are openly advocating in Congress for the creation of a Space Force National Guard. “As the adjutants general, we are individually approaching our congressional delegations,” Maj. Gen. David Baldwin, adjutant general of California, told reporters at…

Rebuilding Army Acquisition For Multi-Domain Battle

Rebuilding Army Acquisition For Multi-Domain Battle
Rebuilding Army Acquisition For Multi-Domain Battle

  Plagued by bureaucracy, budget cuts and canceled programs, the US Army is aggressively trying to improve how and what it buys by better collaborating with industry to innovate instead of evolving. A few simple changes to our current methods could have tremendous impacts on our ability to innovate and meet future challenges. A key could…

Forbes Champions More Super Hornets; F-18 Vs. F-35, Round Two

Forbes Champions More Super Hornets; F-18 Vs. F-35, Round Two
Forbes Champions More Super Hornets; F-18 Vs. F-35, Round Two WASHINGTON: The Boeing Super Hornet might have a new best friend in Congress. A year after the Saint Louis-built fighter jet’s biggest backer in Congress, then-Rep. Todd Akin, went down in electoral flames because of controversial remarks about “legitimate rape,” the influential chairman of the House Armed Services subcommittee on Seapower, Rep. Randy Forbes,…

Hagel, Dempsey Cut OSD Staff, Reorg Homeland & Cyber

Hagel, Dempsey Cut OSD Staff, Reorg Homeland & Cyber
Hagel, Dempsey Cut OSD Staff, Reorg Homeland & Cyber

PENTAGON: The world’s biggest office building is about to get a little less busy. Starting today, the Office of the Secretary of Defense is going to shrink by about 200 government personnel and a to-be-determined number of contractors by 2019, Sec. Chuck Hagel announced this afternoon. Reducing OSD’s staff below 2,200 is just the start of…

Ash Carter Orders OSD Agency Cuts ASAP

Ash Carter Orders OSD Agency Cuts ASAP
Ash Carter Orders OSD Agency Cuts ASAP

Sec. Chuck Hagel Lays Groundwork For Cooperation With China, Reducing Military Pay & Benefits Growth

WASHINGTON: In his first major address as Secretary of Defense, former Senator Chuck Hagel paid homage to the usual pieties — but he also, very cautiously, laid the groundwork for two unpopular policies: seeking greater cooperation with China, including controversial “mil-to-mil” exchanges of military officers; and controlling the costs of pay and benefits for military…

What Congress Can Do To Trim Pentagon Overhead

The Pentagon needs to trim its overhead, many senior officials and experts argue, because it sucks scarce resources away from military weapons and personnel. To understand the root cause of this problem, one must return to the fundamental national security legislation passed in the wake of World War II. Before becoming president, Harry Truman chaired…