Ranking Member, SASC’s Subcommittee on Airland Senator Tom Cotton, R-Arkansas Responsibilities As former chair of SASC’s Airland Subcommittee, Cotton brings direct experience to his new role as Ranking Republican of the 12-member panel responsible for Army, Air Force, National Guard and Reserve planning and operations policy and programs, not including special operations, space and…
By Catherine Macaulay
Chairwoman, SASC’s Subcommittee on Airland Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Illinois Responsibilities Duckworth’s appointment as Chair of SASC’s Airland Subcommittee comes on the heels of a new ruling by the Democratic caucus to distribute authority evenly across the SASC while extending leadership opportunities to junior senators on Senate subpanels. A member of SASC since 2019, the…
By Catherine Macaulay
As Jon Kyl, the new senator who brings a long track record of spending on missile defense and nukes returns to the Hill, Democrats in the House might have other ideas.
By Paul McLeary
CAPITOL HILL: “We are outgunned — outmanned — outnumbered — outplanned,” George Washington raps in Act I of the hit musical Hamilton. Few American commanders since the Revolution have had to worry about being inferior to the enemy in both numbers and technology. But between rising threats, declining US manpower, and steep cuts to Army modernization,…
By Sydney J. Freedberg Jr.
WASHINGTON: The youngest senator on Capitol Hill, and one of the very few lawmakers who can wear a Bronze Star and a Ranger tab, has stepped right from his one-term House seat to chairmanship of one of the most important subcommittees on Capitol Hill. That would be Tom Cotton of Arkansas, the new chair of…
By Colin Clark