Set Cyber Zebra: Navy Shipboard Cybersecurity

Set Cyber Zebra: Navy Shipboard Cybersecurity
Set Cyber Zebra: Navy Shipboard Cybersecurity

FALLS CHURCH, VA: Sure, everyone’s sick of the word “cybersecurity” and endless discussion of “attacks,” Vice Adm. William Hilarides said today, making prominent air quotes with his fingers. Navy submariners in particular, safe beneath the waves, tend to think of cyber as someone else’s problem — but “not so fast,” he told the annual Naval…

Navy Battles Cyber Threats: Thumb Drives, Wireless Hacking, & China

PENTAGON: Technology is a two-edged sword, and it can cut the hand that wields it in unexpected ways. For a generation, ever since the first Gulf War, the information age has been America’s big advantage, arming the US military with everything from smart bombs to remotely piloted drones to supply databases. But even low-tech Iraqi…