Countries undergo ‘mindset’ shift in counterspace capabilities as Israel makes its entry

Countries undergo ‘mindset’ shift in counterspace capabilities as Israel makes its entry
Countries undergo ‘mindset’ shift in counterspace capabilities as Israel makes its entry

The report from the Secure World Foundation also notes the “dismal” state of cybersecurity for space systems infrastructure.

Exclusive: In A First, SecDef Pledges DoD To Space Norms

Exclusive: In A First, SecDef Pledges DoD To Space Norms
Exclusive: In A First, SecDef Pledges DoD To Space Norms

Experts warn that codifying a norm against long-lived debris may actually provide cover for countries to do anti-satellite (ASAT) weapons tests.

US Should Start Space Security Talks With Russia, China

US Should Start Space Security Talks With Russia, China
US Should Start Space Security Talks With Russia, China

The Trump administration should declare a U.S. moratorium on destructive ASAT testing and work with like-minded countries to begin laying the groundwork for an eventual legal prohibition. These would be an immense step forward on limiting future ASAT testing and enhancing space security for both the United States and the world.

DepSecDef Work Invokes ‘Space Control;’ Analysts Fear Space War Escalation

DepSecDef Work Invokes ‘Space Control;’ Analysts Fear Space War Escalation
DepSecDef Work Invokes ‘Space Control;’ Analysts Fear Space War Escalation

COLORADO SPRINGS: Citing “increasing threats” against America’s satellites,  Deputy Defense Secretary Bob Work said here today that the US military “must be able to respond in an integrated, coordinated fashion” to attacks on US space assets and he used the charged term “space control” in making his argument. “While we rely heavily on space capabilities,…

‘Landmark’ Space Policy Shift As China, Others Agree To Space Code of Conduct Talks

‘Landmark’ Space Policy Shift As China, Others Agree To Space Code of Conduct Talks
‘Landmark’ Space Policy Shift As China, Others Agree To Space Code of Conduct Talks

WASHINGTON: After years of grudging refusal to do much more than discuss the possibility of talks on a space code of conduct, China has begun discussions on a multilateral code as part of a larger UN effort, as well as committed to specific goals known in the trade as “transparency and confidence-building measures” (TCBMs). “It is…