Navy League Denounces Trump’s Coast Guard Cuts

Navy League Denounces Trump’s Coast Guard Cuts
Navy League Denounces Trump’s Coast Guard Cuts

WASHINGTON: The Navy League of the United States just issued a withering denunciation of President Trump‘s proposed $1.3 billion cut to the Coast Guard. Trump’s 2018 budget plan has already come under fire from both sides. Democrats reject it for cutting domestic spending too much. Pro-military Republicans reject it for raising defense too little. The Republican…

Trump, Kelly, & The Coast Guard: Exclusive Interview With Adm. Zukunft

Trump, Kelly, & The Coast Guard: Exclusive Interview With Adm. Zukunft
Trump, Kelly, & The Coast Guard: Exclusive Interview With Adm. Zukunft

With the election of Donald Trump as the next President of the United States and with Trump’s nomination of Gen. John Kelly for Secretary of Homeland Security, life is going to change for the US Coast Guard. Trump’s campaign focused intently on border security, asking a fundamental question: Why do we send thousands of troops…

Sequester Means $1 Billion More Of Cocaine Floods Into US: Coast Guard

Sequester Means $1 Billion More Of Cocaine Floods Into US: Coast Guard
Sequester Means $1 Billion More Of Cocaine Floods Into US: Coast Guard

[Corrected drug submersible range] WASHINGTON: The automatic, across-the-board spending cuts known as sequestration will reduce the Coast Guard and Navy forces available to intercept South American cocaine to record lows, said Rear Adm. Charles Michel, the Coast Guard two-star who commands Joint Interagency Task Force-South (JIATF-South). The result? “The sequestration cuts in aircraft and ships…

US-Backed Afghan Drug Court, Praised By DoD, Just Convicts Everyone

US-backed Afghan drug court convicts everyone – HuffPo: DoD cites same court as success story @ SydneyFreedberg

Terrorists’ Growing Ties To Criminals Open New Avenues of Attack

WASHINGTON: As terrorist groups increasingly work with drug gangs and other international criminals, they pose new threats to the United States – but they also create new vulnerabilities that savvy Americans can use to attack them, said the Pentagon’s top drug war expert, William Wechsler. The US needs to go beyond thinking of terrorist groups…