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Insights on digital transformation following successes on B-21 and Sentinel

Insights on digital transformation following successes on B-21 and Sentinel
Insights on digital transformation following successes on B-21 and Sentinel

Customers and employees are experiencing the ‘Butterfly Effect’ of digital transformation from key national security programs.

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Fortifying air bases

Fortifying air bases
Fortifying air bases

Raytheon integrated air defense systems — advanced radars, command and control systems and interceptors — form a multi-layered shield for air base defense.

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Bringing powerful battlespace capabilities to bear through the unified C2 of IBCS

Bringing powerful battlespace capabilities to bear through the unified C2 of IBCS
Bringing powerful battlespace capabilities to bear through the unified C2 of IBCS

The Integrated Battle Command System (IBCS) allows commanders to jointly plan, coordinate and synchronize operations across air, land, sea and space assets.

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Raytheon Readies LTAMDS Radar For Tests

Raytheon Readies LTAMDS Radar For Tests
Raytheon Readies LTAMDS Radar For Tests

Raytheon’s currently on contract for six of the Army’s next-gen radars, but just replacing every US Army Patriot radar — the current plan — would be 80-plus sales.

ABMS Demo Proves AI Chops For C2

ABMS Demo Proves AI Chops For C2
ABMS Demo Proves AI Chops For C2

“Tanks shooting down cruise missiles is awesome — video game, sci-fi awesome,” Air Force acquisition czar Will Roper told a small group of reporters.

Army IBCS: Joint, Up To A Point

Army IBCS: Joint, Up To A Point
Army IBCS: Joint, Up To A Point

The Army’s eager to link its missile defense C2 network to the Air Force, Navy, and Marines – as long as that doesn’t slow the millisecond timing required to hit high-speed targets.