Pentagon CDAO seeks industry input on protecting IP: ‘We’re really open to feedback’

Pentagon CDAO seeks industry input on protecting IP: ‘We’re really open to feedback’
Pentagon CDAO seeks industry input on protecting IP: ‘We’re really open to feedback’

As her signature “Open DAGIR” initiative seeks to bring in smaller, innovative software firms, “we’ve got to be a lot more explicit” in contracting language to protect their intellectual property and data rights, said Chief Digital & AI Officer Radha Plumb.

CDAO opens big door for small biz with $15 billion, 10-year Advana recompete

CDAO opens big door for small biz with $15 billion, 10-year Advana recompete
CDAO opens big door for small biz with $15 billion, 10-year Advana recompete

“You don’t have to do everything,” said Bonnie Evangelista, deputy chief digital & AI officer for acquisition. “If you do a single piece and you do it really well, you can have a contract.”

Advana and harvesting the value of defense data

Advana and harvesting the value of defense data
Advana and harvesting the value of defense data

Elaine McCusker of AEI in this op-ed discusses how the Combatant Commands are using Advana to their advantage.

CDAO opens Advana analytics to multiple vendors in a push to scale up

CDAO opens Advana analytics to multiple vendors in a push to scale up
CDAO opens Advana analytics to multiple vendors in a push to scale up

With Advana, “we’re kind of victims of our own success,” a senior defense official told Breaking Defense in an exclusive interview, meaning changes have to be made to “get to sufficient scale.”