Supplier ‘tension’ takes shine off $9.5B ‘all time record’ order book for Europe’s MBDA missile house

Supplier ‘tension’ takes shine off $9.5B ‘all time record’ order book for Europe’s MBDA missile house
Supplier ‘tension’ takes shine off $9.5B ‘all time record’ order book for Europe’s MBDA missile house

Eric Beranger, CEO at MBDA, has called for greater co-operation between European nations and manufacturers so weapons production can reach “a critical mass” and in light of the Ukraine war underlining a need for greater volumes of munitions to be produced at a faster pace compared to peacetime.

The UAE is buying the French Rafale. What does it mean for the F-35?

The UAE is buying the French Rafale. What does it mean for the F-35?
The UAE is buying the French Rafale. What does it mean for the F-35?

Considering that French-UAE negotiations have dragged on for a decade, it is difficult to see the sudden agreement for so many aircraft at such a pivotal moment as coincidental.

Qatar’s Massive Increase In Military Power Comes With Political, Logistical Headaches

Qatar’s Massive Increase In Military Power Comes With Political, Logistical Headaches
Qatar’s Massive Increase In Military Power Comes With Political, Logistical Headaches

As Qatar awaits permission from Paris to base Rafales and Mirages in Turkey, it grapples with the challenge of finding manpower and training them to use dozens of planes it has purchased.

Egypt’s Rafale Opens Door To More French, European Deals

Egypt’s Rafale Opens Door To More French, European Deals
Egypt’s Rafale Opens Door To More French, European Deals

BEIRUT: Egypt’s latest agreement to buy 30 new Rafale jets will open prospects for other arms deals with France, experts tell Breaking Defense. “As part of the same agreement, Egypt will probably acquire additional military equipment including FalconEye observation satellite and A330 multi-role tanker transport (MRTT) aircraft manufactured by Airbus,” military researcher and defense analyst…