Navy eyeing industry for readily available medium USVs

Navy eyeing industry for readily available medium USVs
Navy eyeing industry for readily available medium USVs

The new solicitation is another instance where the US Navy seems to be opting for technology that is commercially ready, rather than exquisite and unique.

Navy tests ‘tactical’ employment of unmanned ships in months-long exercise

Navy tests ‘tactical’ employment of unmanned ships in months-long exercise
Navy tests ‘tactical’ employment of unmanned ships in months-long exercise

The four USVs featured in the exercise collectively transited 46,000 nautical miles over several months.

Huge Navy Exercise Helps Admirals Decide How to Remake Fleet

Huge Navy Exercise Helps Admirals Decide How to Remake Fleet
Huge Navy Exercise Helps Admirals Decide How to Remake Fleet

“We are going to do a live-fire offensive exercise,” Rear Adm. Jim Aiken, Carrier Strike Group 3 commander told reporters Tuesday. “We are going to use the unmanned surface, unmanned air, and manned air and surface to provide a targeting solution.”

New Navy Command To Oversee Unmanned Ships As They Work With Fleet

New Navy Command To Oversee Unmanned Ships As They Work With Fleet
New Navy Command To Oversee Unmanned Ships As They Work With Fleet

The Navy is standing up its first operational unmanned ship command, a big moment in the Pentagon’s move toward autonomy