Michael Donley


Stories by Michael Donley

Sec. Donley: Why The Air Force Can’t Delay Modernization – EXCLUSIVE

Michael Donley is the Secretary of the Air Force. This is the conclusion of a series of four op-eds Sec. Donley wrote exclusively for Breaking Defense on the future of the Air Force. Today’s piece makes the case that investments in new technology cannot be deferred — a modernization challenge that Army aviators are facing…

Sec. Donley On Readiness: Air Force Must Shrink Or Go Hollow — EXCLUSIVE

Michael Donley is Secretary of the Air Force. This is the third of four op-eds Sec. Donley wrote exclusively for Breaking Defense on the future of the Air Force. Today’s piece deals with the difficult decisions the Air Force must make to preserve its readiness to respond to crises around the world. We are running…

Sec. Donley: How Low Can The Air Force Go? — EXCLUSIVE

Sec. Donley: How Low Can The Air Force Go? — EXCLUSIVE
Sec. Donley: How Low Can The Air Force Go? — EXCLUSIVE

Michael Donley, Air Force Secretary, wrote this second of four op-eds on the future of the Air Force exclusively for Breaking Defense. Today’s piece grapples with just how small the Air Force’s force structure can get while the service can still accomplish its missions.We will run an op-ed early each morning through Friday. The Editor.…

Sec. Donley On The Air Force’s Budgetary Balancing Act: EXCLUSIVE

This is the first in an unprecedented series of four opinion pieces about the future of the Air Force penned by its most senior civilian, Air Force Secretary Michael Donley. In more than 15 years covering the US military, I don’t remember a senior Pentagon official penning a series like this, and we are honored…