Biden nominates new Guard, TRANSCOM, SOUTHCOM leadership, among others

Biden nominates new Guard, TRANSCOM, SOUTHCOM leadership, among others
Biden nominates new Guard, TRANSCOM, SOUTHCOM leadership, among others

The president has tapped Lt. Gen. Steven Nordhaus, a former F-16 pilot and current head of the Continental US NORAD region, to lead the National Guard Bureau, replacing Army Gen. Daniel R. Hokanson.

SOUTHCOM chief calls for ‘Marshall Plan’ for Western Hemisphere to counter Russia, China

SOUTHCOM chief calls for ‘Marshall Plan’ for Western Hemisphere to counter Russia, China
SOUTHCOM chief calls for ‘Marshall Plan’ for Western Hemisphere to counter Russia, China

Gen. Laura Richardson told the Aspen Security Forum she also needs high-profile visitors to “tell them [local officials] and show them how important they are to this region, and to the hemisphere that we all live in,” or Beijing would step into the void.

Russian warships visit Cuba, sending a message to Washington: Analysts

Russian warships visit Cuba, sending a message to Washington: Analysts
Russian warships visit Cuba, sending a message to Washington: Analysts

As fighting continues in Ukraine, experts told Breaking Defense there’s no danger of a Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0, but Russia still wants to project global reach.

Argentina-Denmark F-16 deal would be boon to US in South America: Analysts

Argentina-Denmark F-16 deal would be boon to US in South America: Analysts
Argentina-Denmark F-16 deal would be boon to US in South America: Analysts

The deal is likely to be a key topic of discussion as Gen. Laura Richardson, commander of US Southern Command, travels to Buenos Aires this week.

JADC2 Faces ‘Huge Weakness’: Old Policies, Old Tech

JADC2 Faces ‘Huge Weakness’: Old Policies, Old Tech
JADC2 Faces ‘Huge Weakness’: Old Policies, Old Tech

INDOPACOM’s Brig. Gen. Jacqueline Brown said “policy is a significant concern…If we build a network, if we build these systems but they’re not releasable to our mission partners, we’re going to lose.”

Sergeant Silicon: Lessons From An Army Cyber NCO

Sergeant Silicon: Lessons From An Army Cyber NCO
Sergeant Silicon: Lessons From An Army Cyber NCO

As old-school Sergeant Rock types give way to NCOs with advanced degrees, ARSOUTH Command Sgt. Maj. William Rinehart is helping build up both US and allied cyber forces.

Clock Ticks As Argentine Submariners Run Out Of Air; US, Allies Race To Rescue

Clock Ticks As Argentine Submariners Run Out Of Air; US, Allies Race To Rescue
Clock Ticks As Argentine Submariners Run Out Of Air; US, Allies Race To Rescue

In an extraordinary international response, a dozen nations have poured assets into the stormy South Atlantic to help find and save 44 Argentine submariners from the missing sub San Juan. It’s a stark contrast to the last great submarine disaster, when Russia was slow to accept international help for the stricken Kursk in 2000 and lost all…

Coast Guard Dodges Big Trump Budget Bullet; But Coasties Fix Roofs

Coast Guard Dodges Big Trump Budget Bullet; But Coasties Fix Roofs
Coast Guard Dodges Big Trump Budget Bullet; But Coasties Fix Roofs

WASHINGTON: The White House has dropped plans for a 14 percent cut to the Coast Guard, instead promising a budget that “sustains current funding levels.” The bad news is that “current funding levels” are already too low. The Coast Guard has to give almost 600 drug shipments a pass each year because they don’t have the ships or planes to catch…

Trump, Kelly, & The Coast Guard: Exclusive Interview With Adm. Zukunft

Trump, Kelly, & The Coast Guard: Exclusive Interview With Adm. Zukunft
Trump, Kelly, & The Coast Guard: Exclusive Interview With Adm. Zukunft

With the election of Donald Trump as the next President of the United States and with Trump’s nomination of Gen. John Kelly for Secretary of Homeland Security, life is going to change for the US Coast Guard. Trump’s campaign focused intently on border security, asking a fundamental question: Why do we send thousands of troops…

Trump’s Generals, Part 4: John Kelly vs. The Narco-Terrorists

Trump’s Generals, Part 4: John Kelly vs. The Narco-Terrorists
Trump’s Generals, Part 4: John Kelly vs. The Narco-Terrorists

Who are Trump’s generals? This week, James Kitfield has already told us about James Mattis and Michael Flynn, both men shaped by the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Now we come to John Kelly, whose time in Latin America, ironically, led him to similar conclusions about America’s enemies. As chief of US Southern Command, General…

SASC Sends CSAF Nomination & More To Senate Floor

SASC sent full Senate nomination of Gen. Mark Welsh for CSAF; also LTG John Kelly for SOUTHCOM, LTG Frank Grass for NGB Sydney%20Freedberg

US Intercepts Only 1 of 3 Drug Smugglers It Tracks, Says General

The Air Force’s MC-12 Liberty surveillance plane, in heavy use in Afghanistan, is one of the scarce assets Southern Command chief Gen. Doug Fraser hopes to see freed up for drug interdiction as the war winds down. The U.S. military command covering South America intercepts only about a third of the drug shipments and other…