Doyle’s Wrong: Bombers ARE Best For Nuclear Signaling

Doyle’s Wrong: Bombers ARE Best For Nuclear Signaling
Doyle’s Wrong: Bombers ARE Best For Nuclear Signaling

The modernization of America’s nuclear weapons looms as one of the largest and most crucial set of strategic and spending decisions the American military faces over the next decade. A crucial element in this discussion is how does America best prove it can deliver these weapons — without annihilating certain portions of our globe —…

The Triad Is Not The Trinity: A Response To Gen. Chambers

The recent commentary by Maj. Gen. William Chambers touting the war-prevention benefits of nuclear weapons in this publication is unconvincing. Gen. Chambers, the Air Force’s assistant chief of staff for strategic deterrence and nuclear integration, overstates the peace-promoting virtues of nuclear weapons. In addition, he exaggerates the benefits of the nuclear triad and downplays the…

Keep Triad ‘Best Blend’ Of ICBMs, Boomers, Bombers; ‘We Can Afford Them’

One of the biggest debates in the defense world centers on the nuclear triad. Is it too expensive? Does it actually deter anyone? Is it a Cold War relic or a crucial tool for managing risk? Some experts have argued that land-based missiles just aren’t needed. Others say nuclear-capable bombers are a big fat waste…