Doyle’s Wrong: Bombers ARE Best For Nuclear Signaling

Doyle’s Wrong: Bombers ARE Best For Nuclear Signaling
Doyle’s Wrong: Bombers ARE Best For Nuclear Signaling

The modernization of America’s nuclear weapons looms as one of the largest and most crucial set of strategic and spending decisions the American military faces over the next decade. A crucial element in this discussion is how does America best prove it can deliver these weapons — without annihilating certain portions of our globe —…

Nuclear Bomber Signaling Doesn’t Work

Nuclear Bomber Signaling Doesn’t Work
Nuclear Bomber Signaling Doesn’t Work

In a recent article in Breaking Defense, Adam Lowther and Chris Winklepleck argue that the strategic aircraft leg of the triad provides unique “nuclear signaling” capabilities essential to demonstrating the seriousness of U.S. nuclear threats. But the benefit of using nuclear weapons in this manner is a dubious one, both for America and its allies.…