South American militaries take aim at narco trafficking with new radars, exercises

South American militaries take aim at narco trafficking with new radars, exercises
South American militaries take aim at narco trafficking with new radars, exercises

Several nations are buying or installing new radars or sending new planes in the air in hopes of better tracking drug transshipments.

Trump, Kelly, & The Coast Guard: Exclusive Interview With Adm. Zukunft

Trump, Kelly, & The Coast Guard: Exclusive Interview With Adm. Zukunft
Trump, Kelly, & The Coast Guard: Exclusive Interview With Adm. Zukunft

With the election of Donald Trump as the next President of the United States and with Trump’s nomination of Gen. John Kelly for Secretary of Homeland Security, life is going to change for the US Coast Guard. Trump’s campaign focused intently on border security, asking a fundamental question: Why do we send thousands of troops…