Aussie PM raises ‘strongest possible objection’ after diver allegedly injured by Chinese ship

Aussie PM raises ‘strongest possible objection’ after diver allegedly injured by Chinese ship
Aussie PM raises ‘strongest possible objection’ after diver allegedly injured by Chinese ship

The Australian government said a Chinese ship “was detected operating its hull-mounted sonar in a manner that posed a risk to the safety of the Australian divers who were forced to exit the water.”

‘Mind your own business’: PRC defense minister to world, hours after PLAN ship rushes US destroyer

‘Mind your own business’: PRC defense minister to world, hours after PLAN ship rushes US destroyer
‘Mind your own business’: PRC defense minister to world, hours after PLAN ship rushes US destroyer

“The big strategic goal is a Chinese-led international order, a Chinese century, where the US strategic primacy has ended. The US can basically move back to the Western Hemisphere and focus on itself, which is what he was saying,” Malcom Davis, China expert at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, said.

‘Aggressive act’: Aussie defense minister knocks Chinese intel ship ‘hugging coastline’

‘Aggressive act’: Aussie defense minister knocks Chinese intel ship ‘hugging coastline’
‘Aggressive act’: Aussie defense minister knocks Chinese intel ship ‘hugging coastline’

The PLAN ship passed within 17 miles of the Harold E Holt naval station base near the Western Australia town of Exmouth, which boasts a VLF transmission facility for communications with submarines.

Stormy Waters Ahead For Amphibious Shipbuilding Plan

Stormy Waters Ahead For Amphibious Shipbuilding Plan
Stormy Waters Ahead For Amphibious Shipbuilding Plan

Buried within the Navy’s fiscal 2022 shipbuilding plan is a major disruption of the amphibious fleet and its industrial base. The Navy will build the Light Amphibious Ships (LAWs) it wants, but there’s a trade-off. The number of large amphibious ships will decline by five to nine — 15% to 27%. Marines and others had…

China’s J-35 Carrier Fighter Appears; Step To ‘Most Powerful Navy’?

China’s J-35 Carrier Fighter Appears; Step To ‘Most Powerful Navy’?
China’s J-35 Carrier Fighter Appears; Step To ‘Most Powerful Navy’?

“The J-35 may well represent another significant milestone in the Chinese long-term pursuit of a blue-water carrier based naval aviation capability”, said retired US naval intelligence officer, Capt. James Fanell.

China’s Third Aircraft Carrier Takes Shape: CSIS

China’s Third Aircraft Carrier Takes Shape: CSIS
China’s Third Aircraft Carrier Takes Shape: CSIS

China’s third aircraft carrier will be considerably larger than its predecessors, the Liaoning and Shandong, which each measure 304.5 meters in length. Earlier assessments of the Type 003 by CSIS estimated its waterline dimensions at roughly 300 meters in length and 40 meters in width.