‘No time to waste’: NIST formally issues standards for defense against quantum hacking

‘No time to waste’: NIST formally issues standards for defense against quantum hacking
‘No time to waste’: NIST formally issues standards for defense against quantum hacking

“This is the starting gun for what may be the single largest overhaul of US government communication systems since the adoption of the Internet, as ordered by the President in National Security Memorandum 10,” said RAND scientist Edward Parker. “It will probably go on for decades and will cost billions of dollars.”

Saving Schrödinger’s Cat: Getting serious about post-quantum encryption in 2024

Saving Schrödinger’s Cat: Getting serious about post-quantum encryption in 2024
Saving Schrödinger’s Cat: Getting serious about post-quantum encryption in 2024

The National Institute of Standards & Technology is about to release its long-awaited “post-quantum encryption” algorithms. Then comes the hard part: installing them everywhere.

‘All systems need to be hardened’: Officials, industry sound the alarm on quantum threat to encryption

‘All systems need to be hardened’: Officials, industry sound the alarm on quantum threat to encryption
‘All systems need to be hardened’: Officials, industry sound the alarm on quantum threat to encryption

New “quantum resistant” encryption standards won’t be finalized until next year, but officials and experts say agencies and industry should start hunting vulnerabilities hidden in their software and hardware, including embedded chips critical to US weapons.