Pentagon launches new generative AI ‘cell’ with $100M for pilots, experiments

Pentagon launches new generative AI ‘cell’ with $100M for pilots, experiments
Pentagon launches new generative AI ‘cell’ with $100M for pilots, experiments

Taking over for Task Force Lima, the new AI Rapid Capabilities Cell (AIRCC, or “arc”) will test cutting-edge Large Language Models and other GenAI tools for everything from war planning to cybersecurity.

Pentagon CDAO seeks industry input on protecting IP: ‘We’re really open to feedback’

Pentagon CDAO seeks industry input on protecting IP: ‘We’re really open to feedback’
Pentagon CDAO seeks industry input on protecting IP: ‘We’re really open to feedback’

As her signature “Open DAGIR” initiative seeks to bring in smaller, innovative software firms, “we’ve got to be a lot more explicit” in contracting language to protect their intellectual property and data rights, said Chief Digital & AI Officer Radha Plumb.

‘Who should shoot who?’: INDOPACOM getting ‘combat representative’ JFN this year

‘Who should shoot who?’: INDOPACOM getting ‘combat representative’ JFN this year
‘Who should shoot who?’: INDOPACOM getting ‘combat representative’ JFN this year

The Joint Fires Network, meant to match weapons to targets across a theater of war, is a crucial pillar of the Pentagon’s nascent global command system, CJADC2.

GIDE goes wide: Defense AI chief seeks host of industry players for global battle network

GIDE goes wide: Defense AI chief seeks host of industry players for global battle network
GIDE goes wide: Defense AI chief seeks host of industry players for global battle network

“We’re trying to be easier to work with,” the Pentagon’s Chief Digital & AI Officer Radha Plumb said as CDAO recruits hundreds of companies to help expand CJADC2 beyond the current “minimum viable capability.”

CDAO opens Advana analytics to multiple vendors in a push to scale up

CDAO opens Advana analytics to multiple vendors in a push to scale up
CDAO opens Advana analytics to multiple vendors in a push to scale up

With Advana, “we’re kind of victims of our own success,” a senior defense official told Breaking Defense in an exclusive interview, meaning changes have to be made to “get to sufficient scale.”

New Pentagon AI & data chief plans big initiatives for fall, from back office to battlefield (EXCLUSIVE)

New Pentagon AI & data chief plans big initiatives for fall, from back office to battlefield (EXCLUSIVE)
New Pentagon AI & data chief plans big initiatives for fall, from back office to battlefield (EXCLUSIVE)

The recent announcements on Palantir’s Maven Smart System and other strategic tools are just the start, CDAO Radha Plumb told Breaking Defense, with announcements on tactical and business systems coming by fall.

Open DAGIR: DoD plans July industry day, experiments for new CJADC2 command apps

Open DAGIR: DoD plans July industry day, experiments for new CJADC2 command apps
Open DAGIR: DoD plans July industry day, experiments for new CJADC2 command apps

The Chief Digital & AI Office wants to bring in a wide range of software developers to rapidly create new applications for Combatant Commands worldwide, with the new apps plugging into Palantir’s open-architecture Maven Smart System.

Radha Plumb named new Pentagon CDAO as Martell exits in April

Radha Plumb named new Pentagon CDAO as Martell exits in April
Radha Plumb named new Pentagon CDAO as Martell exits in April

Plumb, the current deputy under secretary of defense for acquisition and sustainment, has held high-powered jobs from Google to the National Security Council.

Digging in: Senator to block two industry-focused DoD nominees over mining dispute

Digging in: Senator to block two industry-focused DoD nominees over mining dispute
Digging in: Senator to block two industry-focused DoD nominees over mining dispute

The hold by Sen. Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska, could delay the confirmations of Radha Plumb, who is nominated to be deputy under secretary of defense for acquisition and sustainment, and Laura Taylor-Kale, the administration’s pick for the assistant secretary of defense for industrial base policy.