HASC leaders turn up heat on Space Force leadership over acquisition plans

HASC leaders turn up heat on Space Force leadership over acquisition plans
HASC leaders turn up heat on Space Force leadership over acquisition plans

In a new letter obtained by Breaking Defense, the top two HASC members write to Gen. Saltzman that “We fear a divide that elevates operators at the detriment to other core functions of the Space Force will have negative impacts, potentially not immediately, but as we look to 2030 and beyond.”

Rogers warns Space Force leadership not to overly prioritize operations

Rogers warns Space Force leadership not to overly prioritize operations
Rogers warns Space Force leadership not to overly prioritize operations

Rep. Mike Rogers, R.-Ala., also advocated for growing the Space Force in order to meet the increasing threats from China and Russia — suggesting that both the Air Force and Office of the Secretary of Defense “transfer” billets to the newest military service.

US Space Command declares ‘full operational capability’

US Space Command declares ‘full operational capability’
US Space Command declares ‘full operational capability’

The declaration comes as Congress put a hold on any spending in fiscal year 2024 on a new SPACECOM headquarters building in Colorado Spring, Colo., pending a DoD IQ investigation into President Joe Biden’s decision to keep the HQ there.

SPACECOM basing in limbo as heated HASC hearing resolves nothing

SPACECOM basing in limbo as heated HASC hearing resolves nothing
SPACECOM basing in limbo as heated HASC hearing resolves nothing

Amid the political clash and a lawmaker’s call for yet another investigation, Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall revealed that he and SPACECOM leader Gen. Jim Dickinson also disagreed over where the new HQ should be.

Congressional watchdog ‘expects’ to open new investigation of SPACECOM basing choice

Congressional watchdog ‘expects’ to open new investigation of SPACECOM basing choice
Congressional watchdog ‘expects’ to open new investigation of SPACECOM basing choice

Meanwhile, Alabama’s Attorney General Steve Marshall on Tuesday sent a letter to the Pentagon’s Office of the Inspector General asking it to also investigate the decision.

Space Command HQ staying in Colorado, as Biden reverses Trump decision

Space Command HQ staying in Colorado, as Biden reverses Trump decision
Space Command HQ staying in Colorado, as Biden reverses Trump decision

“The most significant factor the President considered was the impact a move would have to operational readiness to confront space-enabled threats during a critical time in this dynamic security environment,” a senior administration told Breaking Defense in a statement.

Hill battle over SPACECOM HQ seeps into Pentagon’s annual $4.1B reprogramming request

Hill battle over SPACECOM HQ seeps into Pentagon’s annual $4.1B reprogramming request
Hill battle over SPACECOM HQ seeps into Pentagon’s annual $4.1B reprogramming request

The funds in question essentially are monies that the Defense Department wants to move around from one program to another deemed more urgent — something that happens every year because DoD budget requests happen nearly a year before funds can be spent.

Aussies would join US to defend Taiwan; Defense Minister says ‘inconceivable’ they wouldn’t

Aussies would join US to defend Taiwan; Defense Minister says ‘inconceivable’ they wouldn’t
Aussies would join US to defend Taiwan; Defense Minister says ‘inconceivable’ they wouldn’t

The reliably bellicose Global Times’ editor, Hu Xijin, slammed Dutton’s remarks in a Tweet, promising a “heavy attack” on Australia if it should get involved in any Taiwan conflict.

RUMINT: Huntsville Leads SPACECOM Base Race

RUMINT: Huntsville Leads SPACECOM Base Race
RUMINT: Huntsville Leads SPACECOM Base Race

The official decision about the headquarters of SPACECOM isn’t likely until mid- or late October.

Space Corps Would Fix Troubled OCX, FAB-T, Argue Top StratForces Lawmakers

Space Corps Would Fix Troubled OCX, FAB-T, Argue Top StratForces Lawmakers
Space Corps Would Fix Troubled OCX, FAB-T, Argue Top StratForces Lawmakers

WASHINGTON: Space Corps. It sounds cool. You get visions of space marines and pilots saving the universe. In their latest blast against the Air Force, though, Reps. Mike Rogers and Jim Cooper are more, well, down to earth. They argue that the failings of big-ticket programs such as OCX and FAB-T offer ammunition that a Space…

HASC OKs 18 RD-180s; Adds $100M For New Designs

HASC OKs 18 RD-180s; Adds $100M For New Designs
HASC OKs 18 RD-180s; Adds $100M For New Designs

WASHINGTON: The House Armed Services Committee is certainly no friend to today’s Russia as ruled by Vladimir Putin, but even they now support the Pentagon’s plans to use 18 Russian-made RD-180 rocket engines. The HASC approved by voice vote an amendment by Rep. Mike Coffman of Colorado to the National Defense Authorization Act that would…

Stunned By Cantor’s Loss, HASC Leaders Will Still Battle Sequestration: Rep. Rogers

Stunned By Cantor’s Loss, HASC Leaders Will Still Battle Sequestration: Rep. Rogers
Stunned By Cantor’s Loss, HASC Leaders Will Still Battle Sequestration: Rep. Rogers

CAPITOL HILL: House Majority Leader Eric Cantor isn’t physically absent from here yet, but he is close to politically dead after last night’s stunning political defeat by a little known Tea Party supporter from the southern Virginia constituency. I spoke to half a dozen close watchers of defense politics this morning and all but one…