As a leading systems integration company, BAE Systems is accelerating capabilities that meet the national security needs, priorities, and missions of our customers. With evolving threats and technological advances on the immediate horizon, we are delivering solutions to complex systems problems, and making it easier for the Department of Defense (DoD) to manage, control, and modernize its systems.
One way we accomplish this is through innovative and comprehensive digital engineering (DE) techniques. Guided by the DoD’s DE strategy, we are integrating new modeling tools and developing model-driven methods for many services, systems, and products. In fact, we are already leading the implementation of DE on major missile and strategic weapon systems programs today.
Why digital engineering?
- Gain full access and control of the technical baseline
- Integrate new capabilities while maintaining high system availability
- Improve system reliability and reduce program lifecycle cost
- Increase warfighter confidence in system capability and performance
To realize these benefits, we apply model-based systems engineering (MBSE) approaches that result in a continuous end-to-end digital representation of the System of Systems, subsystems, and components. We enable a complete system-level model-based digital thread that supports consistent modeling, simulation, and analysis and provides a complete picture of how a system functions. This continuity provides more effective and efficient decision-making capability for our customers.
It’s time to “own” digital
Our team translates paper-based legacy and 2D heritage design documents into interconnected, cross-domain digital models that “own” constantly evolving technical baselines. When applying our DE approaches, our customers benefit from a reduction in cost and improvement in schedule and performance on new and legacy programs.
Pete Trainer, vice president and general manager of BAE Systems Air & Space Force Solutions, said, “Our experts are delivering effective product lifecycle management through DE, MBSE, and Agile DevSecOps software development for the ICBM Systems Directorates. Our DE work is helping our customers make better informed decisions, because they now have clear visibility into how making a change in one place can impact overall system readiness.”
DE approaches are also enabling the creation of digital twins for true virtualization of critical “no fail” weapons systems to enable continuous development and integration, to optimize current system performance, to predict future performance, and enhance system readiness through predictive maintenance and analytics.
“We use digital models to train operators and others in a virtual environment. This reduces training time, cost, and risk to the operational system. Our work also allows commanders, operators, maintainers, and logisticians to have unparalleled insight into the current and projected future status of a system,” said Trainer.
For example, under the direction and prioritization of the U.S. Air Force, we are using low-risk, industry-standard modeling techniques, specifically the Object Modeling Group Systems Modeling Language (SysML), to author a model to predict the availability for the MMIII Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) program. Our experts are documenting the entire ICBM system in a model from the weapon system specifications down to configuration items. The model that’s being developed for MMIII is also compatible with the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent (GBSD) program, since we previously authored that program’s Government Reference Architecture. In fact, our team provided the analysis and cost capability trades on the billions of possible GBSD design variants that were digitally assessed prior to the Air Force stabilizing threshold and objective requirements as well as the prime contractor arriving at a final design.
Developing, using, and supporting digital threads in DE environments enables our customers to maintain referential integrity, while enabling configuration and data management of technical baselines. DE analyzes capabilities, reduces lifecycle costs, and provides more flexibility. Digital transformation and DE are absolute necessities because of the efficiency and decision-informing value they bring to the table. Customers are turning to BAE Systems for trusted, innovative comprehensive DE services and solutions.
“In our DE Lab based in Washington D.C., we implemented a high-fidelity mixed reality system in support of the Strategic Systems Program sustaining the Trident Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile (SLBM),” said Lisa Hand, vice president and general manager of BAE Systems Integrated Defense Solutions. “As we develop digital twin techniques in real-time, we are also collaborating on engineering design, performing interactive system maintenance, and providing immersive end-user and support training to warfighters.”
Systems engineering and integration expertise where it counts
Over the past 40 years, BAE Systems has served as the lead contractor to the U.S. Navy’s AEGIS TECHREP program. We provide critical large-scale system engineering, integration, acquisition, and testing expertise for the AEGIS Weapons and Combat Systems aboard U.S. Navy surface combatant ships. Today, we are working with the Navy to develop a classified lab with distributed access to a collaborative DE environment.
“We are using cutting-edge innovative DE technology and our MBSE and DevSecOps tools to enable the Navy to instantly analyze mission success based on documented data,” said Hand. “Our work is helping the Navy achieve its goal of using a secure cloud-based virtualization to quickly deliver capabilities to the warfighter.”
BAE Systems’ highly-proficient technical workforce is geared to help our customers maintain a combat advantage through assessing and managing complex system performance using our proven processes, tools, capabilities, and infrastructure.
Our demonstrated, innovative system engineering, MBSE, DevSecOps, and product lifecycle management capabilities on weapon system modification, sustainment, and acquisition programs (e.g., GBSD, MMIII, SSP Trident, and AEGIS TECHREP) are delivering results that meet the mission priorities of our customers today and decades into the future.