Wary of budget cap, Army secretary hopes lawmakers pursue supplemental military funding

Wary of budget cap, Army secretary hopes lawmakers pursue supplemental military funding
Wary of budget cap, Army secretary hopes lawmakers pursue supplemental military funding

A savvy DC veteran, Sec. Christine Wormuth didn’t outright call for Congress to go above the budget caps, but, she said, “given that we want to make sure that we are not only able to support Ukraine but that we also replenish our own stocks …  a supplemental, I think, would be very helpful.”

Underfunding the US Army undermines deterrence in Taiwan

Underfunding the US Army undermines deterrence in Taiwan
Underfunding the US Army undermines deterrence in Taiwan

Congress must stop shortchanging the Army budget, especially modernization, so it can play its proper role in the Indo-Pacific and worldwide, writes the former chief of US Army Pacific.

Senate passes NDAA, with $857.9 billion for national security

Senate passes NDAA, with $857.9 billion for national security
Senate passes NDAA, with $857.9 billion for national security

The topline is an increase of $45 billion over what Biden’s budget requested.

‘Compromise’ NDAA boosts Space Force budget, but keeps tight reins on policy decisions

‘Compromise’ NDAA boosts Space Force budget, but keeps tight reins on policy decisions
‘Compromise’ NDAA boosts Space Force budget, but keeps tight reins on policy decisions

In somewhat of a surprise, the HASC provision to force the Space Force to create a Space National Guard was stripped from the bill in the negotiations between the two sides of Capitol Hill.

If Congress blocks F-22 retirements, expect impact to Air Force drone programs: Hunter

If Congress blocks F-22 retirements, expect impact to Air Force drone programs: Hunter
If Congress blocks F-22 retirements, expect impact to Air Force drone programs: Hunter

“The concern I would have would be on our ability to deliver on a collaborative combat aircraft system to complement [Next Generation Air Dominance],” said Air Force acquisition executive Andrew Hunter. “It would limit our ability to dedicate people and resources to an aggressive effort to field that capability.”

With billions at stake, lobbying heats up for future rights to Space Force launches

With billions at stake, lobbying heats up for future rights to Space Force launches
With billions at stake, lobbying heats up for future rights to Space Force launches

“Key for us is allowing on-ramps, allowing for some smaller launches to have a chance,” a senior Space Force official told Breaking Defense, in order to avoid billion-dollar “Titan-era prices.”

HAC-D scolds Space Force on lack of ‘realistic budgets’

HAC-D scolds Space Force on lack of ‘realistic budgets’
HAC-D scolds Space Force on lack of ‘realistic budgets’

“The Space Force’s ambitious plans for new architectures, programs, and mission areas, do not appear to be backed up with credible budget projections in the outyears to actually deliver these capabilities,” House defense appropriators chide in report language accompanying their FY23 spending bill.

HASC chairman’s NDAA mark focuses on munitions, R&D

HASC chairman’s NDAA mark focuses on munitions, R&D
HASC chairman’s NDAA mark focuses on munitions, R&D

Staffers briefing reporters ahead of the release emphasized a focus on the health of the munitions industrial base.

SASC wants $45B jump to defense budget topline for inflation, Ukraine assistance

SASC wants $45B jump to defense budget topline for inflation, Ukraine assistance
SASC wants $45B jump to defense budget topline for inflation, Ukraine assistance

The Senate Armed Services Committee’s proposed topline figure would increase the already-historic Pentagon spending plan proposed by the Biden administration.

Space Development Agency gets 2 more launches in House defense markup

Space Development Agency gets 2 more launches in House defense markup
Space Development Agency gets 2 more launches in House defense markup

The Space Force doesn’t fare too badly under the House Appropriations defense subcommittee’s draft released today — getting a slight bump up from its procurement request but taking a cut in RTD&E.

MDA looks to narrow competition for hypersonic missile killer

MDA looks to narrow competition for hypersonic missile killer
MDA looks to narrow competition for hypersonic missile killer

The Missile Defense Agency’s request for funds above the 2023 budget for the Glide Phase Interceptor will go towards reducing risks for critical technologies, including seekers, propulsion systems and thermal protection, says Director Vice Adm. Jon Hill.

To track hypersonic missiles, Space Force to develop ‘at least’ 4 MEO satellites

To track hypersonic missiles, Space Force to develop ‘at least’ 4 MEO satellites
To track hypersonic missiles, Space Force to develop ‘at least’ 4 MEO satellites

A study by the Space Warfighting Analysis Center that determined a multi-layered network of satellites in Geosynchronous Orbit (GEO), highly-elliptical polar orbit, Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) is necessary to provide comprehensive ballistic and hypersonic missile warning and tracking.

For military spending to counter China, PDI tells only a small part of the story

For military spending to counter China, PDI tells only a small part of the story
For military spending to counter China, PDI tells only a small part of the story

Lawmakers and taxpayers should know PDI is not reflective of the defense investment to counter the pacing challenge of China, AEI’s Elaine McCusker writes.

How the Pentagon’s bad inflation math made a hollow budget

How the Pentagon’s bad inflation math made a hollow budget
How the Pentagon’s bad inflation math made a hollow budget

If inflation trends keep, AEI’s John Ferrari says DoD will see buying power plummet even as it spends billions.