“There’s a need in the near-term to defend against all of those [Chinese missile] threats from a 360-degree standpoint, and if the answer is Aegis, I’m ready to support it,” the presumptive head of Indo-PACOM told the Senate Armed Services Committee.
By Paul McLeary
Taiwan may be targeted for annexation by 2027, Adm. Phil Davidson said, and Guam will have to be vigorously defended in a Pacific War.
By Paul McLeary
If confirmed by the Senate, Adm. John Aquilino and Vice Adm. Samuel Paparo will enter their jobs amidst increasing competition in fleet size, precision missiles, hacking, & espionage.
By Paul McLeary
The report, delivered to Capitol Hill on Monday, sketches out the ask for the 2022 budget and in the years out to 2027, envisioning a long-range plan that Indo-Pacom commander Adm. Phil Davidson first introduced last year.
By Paul McLeary“China has a profound advantage in ballistic missiles against the United States,” he said. “They also have a profound advantage in ground-launched cruise missiles. We have to get into that offensive force game as well.”
By Paul McLeary
Toyko has put the breaks on its Aegis Ashore program, and there are reports its support for the Global Hawk buy may be soft.
By Paul McLeary
By 2026, Adm. Philip Davidson said, the US will need additional air and missile defenses on Guam to counter a growing Chinese threat.
By Paul McLeary
The National Defense Strategy called the Indo-Pacific the DoD’s priority theater. “But all of us also recognize that strategy is budget and budget is strategy, and the budget numbers have not supported, to date, the Indo Pacific’s role as the primary theater.”
By Paul McLeary
Creating an Indo-Pacific Deterrence Initiative with a $6.09 billion investment in 2021 would boost air and missile defense, fund rotational forces and prepositioned stocks, modernize joint training ranges across the region, and ramp up information and influence operations.
By Paul McLeary
The bold new Pacific plan “is designed to persuade potential adversaries that any preemptive military action will be extremely costly and likely fail,” Adm. Philip Davidson writes.
By Paul McLeary
“For its backbone,” Adm. Davidson said, “we need a joint — joint — network of training ranges capable of meeting the exercise, experimentation, and innovation objectives of the new warfighting concept.”
By Paul McLeary
Adm. Davidson pushed back against reports that the US might pull a brigade out of South Korea amid stalemated burden-sharing talks.
By Paul McLeary