Navy needs industry all in on 3D printing parts for subs, or else

Navy needs industry all in on 3D printing parts for subs, or else
Navy needs industry all in on 3D printing parts for subs, or else

“If you are a supplier, and your lead time is too long, and you refuse to work with us” on 3D printing alternative spare parts, said Rear Adm. Jon Rucker, “we’re going to figure it out. Not a threat – a fact of life.”

AUKUS ITAR changes not much help for Pillar 2 tech: US Studies Centre experts

AUKUS ITAR changes not much help for Pillar 2 tech: US Studies Centre experts
AUKUS ITAR changes not much help for Pillar 2 tech: US Studies Centre experts

“Early indications are that the 3 countries are missing an opportunity to craft a shared defense export control framework devoid of the well-understood structural problems associated with the ITAR,” the US Studies Centrre report’s authors write.

Australia sends $4.6B AUD to bolster UK sub industry for SSN AUKUS as shipbuilders named

Australia sends $4.6B AUD to bolster UK sub industry for SSN AUKUS as shipbuilders named
Australia sends $4.6B AUD to bolster UK sub industry for SSN AUKUS as shipbuilders named

“We’re already making good progress on the design and development of the next generation submarine in the UK, where we have more than 1,000 people working on the SSN-AUKUS program and major infrastructure investment underway,” BAE Systems CEO Charles Woodburn said.

How GIDE grows: AI battle network experiments are expanding to Army, allies and industry

How GIDE grows: AI battle network experiments are expanding to Army, allies and industry
How GIDE grows: AI battle network experiments are expanding to Army, allies and industry

2023’s Global Information Dominance Experiments were a race to field a “minimum viable” version of CJADC2. The 2024 GIDEs will open up to more input from the services, the Five Eyes allies, and a wide range of contractors.

‘They’re also learning’: Russia, Ukraine race to out-innovate each other

‘They’re also learning’: Russia, Ukraine race to out-innovate each other
‘They’re also learning’: Russia, Ukraine race to out-innovate each other

Tactics and technology advance so fast that a drone that’s cutting-edge today will be obsolescent in two months, Ukrainian and NATO officers say.