Army National Guard aims for 50,000 BYO-Device users as Hypori updates app

Army National Guard aims for 50,000 BYO-Device users as Hypori updates app
Army National Guard aims for 50,000 BYO-Device users as Hypori updates app

The Air National Guard, regular Army, and Space Force are also exploring Hypori’s “zero trust” Bring Your Own Device approach to connect personal phones securely to government systems.

Army launches new Bring-Your-Own-Device pilot as it aims to leverage commercial capabilities

Army launches new Bring-Your-Own-Device pilot as it aims to leverage commercial capabilities
Army launches new Bring-Your-Own-Device pilot as it aims to leverage commercial capabilities

“Since this is done in a virtualized environment that is hosted up in the cloud through DoD, it is very, very, very secure… We’re pretty excited about this and it’s taken us a while to get to this point, both from a policy perspective and from a building out of the environment [perspective], but we are right on the cusp of implementation,” Lt. Gen. John Morrison said.

Turn Off Your Fitbit, Garmin, Apple Watch GPS NOW!

Turn Off Your Fitbit, Garmin, Apple Watch GPS NOW!
Turn Off Your Fitbit, Garmin, Apple Watch GPS NOW!

WASHINGTON: Hey! Take off that Fitbit and turn it off. Hand in that Apple Watch. Make sure you’ve turned off the geolocation capabilities of your Garmin. That was the word today from Deputy Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan. For years, cell phones have been banned from many offices in the Pentagon, not to mention any Secure…

A Glimpse Of Warfare’s Future, Today

A Glimpse Of Warfare’s Future, Today
A Glimpse Of Warfare’s Future, Today

WASHINGTON: Building seamless ties between US and allied forces is a dream long held and oft delayed. Allowing a friendly foreign commander to call in pinpoint US airstrikes simply, reliably and quickly with a phone is exactly the kind of military miracle science fiction and military visionaries have dreamt of since at least the late…

Turn Off That iPhone, Commandant Tells Marines

Turn Off That iPhone, Commandant Tells Marines
Turn Off That iPhone, Commandant Tells Marines

WASHINGTON: Marines, turn off your iPhone and dig yourself a foxhole. That’s the Commandant’s message to young troops, based on embarrassing experiences in recent exercises. As cheap drones and other surveillance technologies spread worldwide, said Gen. Robert Neller, US forces must re-learn how to hide — both physically and electronically — from increasingly tech-savvy adversaries. “We’ve…

The iPhone Goes To War: Army Explores Shift From Military To Commercial Networks

The iPhone Goes To War: Army Explores Shift From Military To Commercial Networks
The iPhone Goes To War: Army Explores Shift From Military To Commercial Networks

NATIONAL DEFENSE UNIVERSITY: It just might be iPhone time for the world’s most powerful army,. As defense budgets shrink and commercial networks grow, top brass from Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno on down are questioning the service’s current plan to keep developing custom-built, military-specific, and extremely expensive communications networks. If groups like al-Qaeda,…