Long Range Strike Hot Potato Now In OSD Hands

Long Range Strike Hot Potato Now In OSD Hands
Long Range Strike Hot Potato Now In OSD Hands

“It’s ultimately a political decision, and … this demands a strong and fully staffed OSD,” said Mackenzie Eaglen, of the American Enterprise Institute. “That doesn’t seem likely until much later this year.”

Counterspace 2020: All (Pretty) Quiet On The ASAT Front

Counterspace 2020: All (Pretty) Quiet On The ASAT Front
Counterspace 2020: All (Pretty) Quiet On The ASAT Front

“From the evidence we have available, it sure looks like Russia is a bigger counterspace threat than China, which is contrary to a lot of the public discussion that focuses almost entirely on China,” said SWF’s Brian Weeden.

US Needs Better Space Defenses, Including Weapons: CSIS

US Needs Better Space Defenses, Including Weapons: CSIS
US Needs Better Space Defenses, Including Weapons: CSIS

“This issue of classification and the challenge it presents to public discussion is … part of the reason why we wrote this report. There’s nothing in the public domain like this,” says CSIS’s Kaitlyn Johnson.

AFRL Pushes Laser “SHiELD” Flight Test Back, Again

AFRL Pushes Laser “SHiELD” Flight Test Back, Again
AFRL Pushes Laser “SHiELD” Flight Test Back, Again

CSIS’s Todd Harrison said he believes that  the “many challenges” to the SHiELD concept can be overcome “with time and money” —  and could well be worth expending because of the potential benefits.

Costs Of Cruise Missile Defense May Top Benefits, Suggests CBO

Costs Of Cruise Missile Defense May Top Benefits, Suggests CBO
Costs Of Cruise Missile Defense May Top Benefits, Suggests CBO

“We’re not going to be able to defend every acre of North America,” Tom Karako, director of the Missile Defense Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), says bluntly.

Army, Navy Funds Unlikely For Space Force Until 2023

Army, Navy Funds Unlikely For Space Force Until 2023
Army, Navy Funds Unlikely For Space Force Until 2023

“The last thing Congress intended when creating the Space Force was to end up with four different space forces,” says CSIS’s Todd Harrison in a new analysis promoting a roles and missions review.

US War Surge Production Too Slow, CSIS Finds

US War Surge Production Too Slow, CSIS Finds
US War Surge Production Too Slow, CSIS Finds

The United States could not make enough military equipment fast enough to sustain its military in the event of a major war. While much thought has been given to how a great power conflict might erupt or play out, far less has been written on how the U.S. industrial base could sustain U.S. wartime equipment…

Roper Hints NGAD Could Replace F-35; Why? Life-Cycle Costs

Roper Hints NGAD Could Replace F-35; Why? Life-Cycle Costs
Roper Hints NGAD Could Replace F-35; Why? Life-Cycle Costs

The NGAD program “represents a chance to design an airplane that is more sustainable than the F-35, if in fact the F-35 cannot get its cost-per-flying-hour down,” said outgoing AF acquisition head Will Roper.

Air Force Leaders Exits ‘Business As Usual, Experts Say; Roper Rumors

Air Force Leaders Exits ‘Business As Usual, Experts Say; Roper Rumors
Air Force Leaders Exits ‘Business As Usual, Experts Say; Roper Rumors

Outgoing AF acquisition head Will Roper is rumored “to be in the mix” to take DoD acquisition czar Ellen Lord’s place, along with CSIS’s Andrew Hunter.

DoD Drone Strategy Focuses On Low-End Threats – Not Nation-States

DoD Drone Strategy Focuses On Low-End Threats – Not Nation-States
DoD Drone Strategy Focuses On Low-End Threats – Not Nation-States

In April, the Yuma, Ariz. test range will host a competition of “low collateral damage” countermeasures designed to stop mini-drones without firing a shot. But can such a restrained approach stop the drone swarms Russia and others are developing?

2021: A Space (Force) Odyssey: Norms, Arms Control & Warfighting

2021: A Space (Force) Odyssey: Norms, Arms Control & Warfighting
2021: A Space (Force) Odyssey: Norms, Arms Control & Warfighting

“I will be very curious to see how the Space Force shakes out in the next year or so. It’s not going away but how it manifests itself could be different,” said Victoria Samson, Washington Office director for Secure World Foundation.

Hicks Is Biden’s Pick For Pentagon Deputy; Kahl For Policy

Hicks Is Biden’s Pick For Pentagon Deputy; Kahl For Policy
Hicks Is Biden’s Pick For Pentagon Deputy; Kahl For Policy

With over two decades in the Pentagon under Clinton, Bush, and Obama, Kathleen Hicks brings the civilian bureaucratic experience that retired Gen. Lloyd Austin sorely lacks. Neither has the political clout of a Jim Mattis or a Bob Gates.

2021: Air Force’s Nuke Mod Efforts Service’s Biggest Challenge

2021: Air Force’s Nuke Mod Efforts Service’s Biggest Challenge
2021: Air Force’s Nuke Mod Efforts Service’s Biggest Challenge

“Not sure if this is a black swan, but I would not be surprised if the next administration kicks off an internal review of the services’ roles and responsibilities, with an eye toward reducing excessive redundancy in force structure and capabilities,” Mark Gunzinger says

OTAs Soar & Army Leads The Way: CSIS Report

OTAs Soar & Army Leads The Way: CSIS Report
OTAs Soar & Army Leads The Way: CSIS Report

Army Contracting Command still accounts for 45 percent of all DoD Other Transaction Authority obligations, but the Air Force and, belatedly, the Navy are starting to catch up.