Not a one-way street: DoD will receive, not just give, data to Commerce’s space traffic system

Not a one-way street: DoD will receive, not just give, data to Commerce’s space traffic system
Not a one-way street: DoD will receive, not just give, data to Commerce’s space traffic system

TraCSS will go above and beyond DoD’s current collision warning process by publicly providing the specifics of a potential crash in what are deemed emergency situations, explained Mariel Borowitz, OSC director of international SSA engagement.

Pentagon submits new proposed rule to implement CMMC 2.0

Pentagon submits new proposed rule to implement CMMC 2.0
Pentagon submits new proposed rule to implement CMMC 2.0

The new proposal includes new requirements for contracting officers, ensuring that parties bidding on Pentagon contracts are properly protecting sensitive information.

Space Force launches effort to harness allied supply chain

Space Force launches effort to harness allied supply chain
Space Force launches effort to harness allied supply chain

SSC Director of International Affairs Deanna Ryals told Breaking Defense that the primary goal of the first-ever “international reverse industry days” meeting is survey the landscape of needed allied space capabilities, and figure out where countries can help fill each other’s gaps.

DoD official envisions faster ‘secure pipeline’ to help small business tech contractors protect information

DoD official envisions faster ‘secure pipeline’ to help small business tech contractors protect information
DoD official envisions faster ‘secure pipeline’ to help small business tech contractors protect information

“In my mind, these are some of these avenues that we’re looking at at an idea phase now to see if we can put resources behind it,” said Robert Vietmeyer, director for cloud and software modernization.