The Case For LCS: Searching For The AirAsia Plane

The Case For LCS: Searching For The AirAsia Plane
The Case For LCS: Searching For The AirAsia Plane

The Littoral Combat Ship Fort Worth joined the search for the remains of Air Asia Flight QZ8501. This grim mission marked more than a real-world test of a new and controversial class of ship. It also shows why the Navy needs something like LCS at all. The Fort Worth started working this weekend with the…

Philippine Typhoon Showcases US Strategic Edge Over China

Philippine Typhoon Showcases US Strategic Edge Over China
Philippine Typhoon Showcases US Strategic Edge Over China

UPDATE: Aircraft carrier USS George Washington underway to disaster zone. It is more than a little ghoulish to look at a tragedy that may have killed 10,000 people and see a strategic opportunity. But that’s how strategists have to think. After all, what is war itself but human tragedy exploited for strategic advantage?  And that’s…

Don’t Launch Drones Or Blimps As Emergency Coms Relays After Disaster

Launching drones/blimps as communication relays after disaster would do more harm than good, say AT&T, Sprint, & APCO: SydneyFreedberg

Former CNO, DepSecDef Fight To Stop Cuts To Navy’s Humanitarian Mission

WASHINGTON: Disaster relief, medical assistance, and other humanitarian missions can provide a low-cost way for the military to build US influence in Asia and elsewhere, a key part of the administration’s new national security strategy, but this “soft power” approach is complicated both by civilian aid groups’ suspicion of the military and by looming budget…