Space-based intelligence for rapid decision-making will be a critical tool in the multiforce, multidomain landscape of the near future.
By Maxar Technologies“Unfortunately, some of the Army’s signature modernization efforts, as spectacular as they are, don’t work with the other signature modernization efforts,” said Ed Mornston, G2 at Army Futures Command.
By Theresa Hitchens“LiDAR is a really neat technology, and we’ve got to take advantage of it,” NRO Director Chris Scolese said.
By Theresa Hitchens“Kind of like the mountains Lewis and Clark had to scale, data is a mountain we have to climb,” NGA Director Vice Adm. Robert Sharp said at GEOINT 2021.
By Theresa Hitchens“If we don’t adapt, others will set the rules and challenge our new leadership. We should set the rules,” said Stacey Dixon, deputy director of national intelligence.
By Theresa HitchensODNI is working on providing outside partners with declassified explanations of the office’s science and technology priorities, said John Beieler, director of science and technology.
By Theresa Hitchens“Is the coin of the realm the 70 years of craft that they have, or is it about what they uniquely hold?” asked former ODNI deputy Sue Gordon.
By Theresa Hitchens