“If the delivery times were long, we may need to substitute HIMARS munitions for something else, that’s available faster,” said Magnus Saar, Estonia’s national armaments director.
By Tim MartinMaj. Gen. Lars Lervik, Chief of Staff of the Norwegian Army, told Breaking Defense that Oslo is in the process of receiving offers from industry competitors who have been asked to detail “price, timings, capabilities,” and delivery timeframes.
By Tim MartinAdvanced Navigation CEO Chris Shaw told Breaking Defense the deal could boost his company’s business by 400 percent.
By Colin ClarkMichael Smith, announced today as the new CEO of Hanwha Defense USA, is a Navy veteran who has held senior leadership positions at Lockheed Martin, HII and BAE Systems.
By Valerie InsinnaThe deal covers 54 K9 Self-Propelled Howitzers and 36 K10 Ammunition Resupply Vehicles, making Romania the 10th operator of the K9 and third operator of the K10 worldwide,
By Agnes Helou