Sen. Tim Kaine said of the nomination, “Senators deserve answers to my questions about Tier 1’s role in training any Saudis implicated in the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. I don’t feel comfortable moving forward on this nomination until I get answers.”
By Paul McLeary
SOCOM’s first Dry Combat Submersible is undergoing a year of testing by the Navy to work out new technologies, including a new power source, before moving forward.
By Paul McLeary
“The SOF guys are less risk averse than conventional ground forces, so they’re more apt to push the limit,” said Bob Work, father of the AI-driven Third Offset Strategy. “Their commanders also have embraced AI and autonomous ops…. so I think all the conditions are set for SOF to lead the way in the more direct combat applications of AI and autonomy.”
By Sydney J. Freedberg Jr.
This week the White House will issue its second Medal of Honor in recent months for extreme valor in the Battle for Robert’s Ridge, recognizing one of the most intense and influential firefights of the post-9/11 era. It will be awarded posthumously to Air Force Combat Controller John Chapman. Sometimes at night they huddled over a…
By James Kitfield
President Trump will present the Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest award for valor, to Master Chief Special Warfare Operator Britt Slabinski for embodying the U.S. military’s code of “leave no man behind.” The “Battle of Robert’s Ridge” claimed the lives of seven U.S. elite troops and was one of the bloodiest engagements for Special Forces up to that point in the post-9/11 Global War On Terror.
By James Kitfield
BALLSTON, VA: A soufflé is fluffy but a SOFLE – a brand new military acronym that stands for Special Operations Forces Liaison Element — is sinewy and powerful. Just ask Marine Lt. Col. Andrew Christian, who led the first such unit for the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit during a seven month deployment to the Pacific…
By Richard Whittle
Misunderstandings about the pardon power may also fuel speculation that its exercise is inherently damaging to the long-term interests of the military justice system. Actually, pardons and clemencies are not rogue, extra-legal actions, but rather are integral to the Constitution’s vision of criminal justice writ large.
By Charles Dunlap