Coatings Plant Offers Hints On B-21 Production

Coatings Plant Offers Hints On B-21 Production
Coatings Plant Offers Hints On B-21 Production

WASHINGTON: A little Pentagon contract announcement offers the latest indication of the course of the secretive B-21 program. The announcement last Tuesday of a $36 million modification to an existing contract is the key. It’s for a new 45,900 square foot “coatings facility” at Northrop Grumman’s facility at Air Force Plant 42 in Palmdale, CA.…

Northrop Unveils Sixth Gen Fighter Concept

Northrop Unveils Sixth Gen Fighter Concept
Northrop Unveils Sixth Gen Fighter Concept

PALMDALE, CALIF: Northrop Grumman unveiled its vision of the so-called sixth-generation fighter, showing reporters a laser-firing aircraft that looks like a cross between the B-2 bomber and the X-47B drone. Chris Hernandez, Northrop’s vice president for research, technology and advanced design, laid out the basic parameters for the sixth-gen fighter (Northrop refers to it as NG Air…

U-2 Hits 60; A Glimpse of Where It Was Built

U-2 Hits 60; A Glimpse of Where It Was Built
U-2 Hits 60; A Glimpse of Where It Was Built

  PALMDALE, CALIF: The mountains are dry. The spaces are vast. The population is small. You wouldn’t think it to look around from the center of town, but this place hosts a remarkable array of the world’s smartest people who design and build America’s weapons. You get a few hints of the history of Palmdale as…