After today’s attack, an analyst told Breaking Defense he expected UNIFIL to “likely reassess where it can position forces in the south, though without a full mandate to pull out I suspect some will remain in the area.”
By Agnes HelouThousands of peacekeepers are deployed on Lebanon’s southern border and though they conduct anti-rocket operations, they’re not mandated to forcefully intervene.
By Agnes HelouBreaking Defense previously reported on increased GPS jamming in the country, and experts said then that the disruptions were most likely related to Israel’s effort to disrupt Hezbollah attacks.
By Agnes Helou“Although Russia would not be expected to vote for a resolution aimed at its own conduct, its response that it is ‘against’ putting nuclear weapons in space is just vague enough to not quite be reassuring,” said Jessica West of Canada’s Project Ploughshares.
By Theresa HitchensTwo US officials exclusively tell Breaking Defense the details of new international “working groups” that are the next step in Washington’s campaign for ethical and safety standards for military AI and automation – without prohibiting their use entirely.
By Sydney J. Freedberg Jr.Over the last 11 months, the US has made major progress in defining “Responsible Military Use of Artificial Intelligence” and even getting other nations to sign on the idea — without ever actually precluding the kind of automated “killer robots” activists want to ban.
By Sydney J. Freedberg Jr.Details are scant for now, but experts tell Breaking Defense that any AI agreement between China and the US could involve a pledge not to use AI in nuclear systems.
By Sydney J. Freedberg Jr.One new working group, led by the UK and US, will focus on norms; the other, led by Russia and China, will draft legal treaty.
By Theresa Hitchens“More than 100 lunar missions are planned for this decade alone, including many that are commercial,” said Jessica West, of Canada’s Project Ploughshares.
By Theresa HitchensThe EU move, which comes in the run up to the final meeting of the UN working group to prevent space threats at the end of the month, brings the number of countries supporting the limited ASAT testing ban up to 35.
By Theresa HitchensAmerican initiatives are seeing more support, while rivals used the opportunity to raise a litany of complaints against Washington.
By Theresa HitchensThere are a host of open questions bedeviling national and international policy- and law-makers as they struggle to get a better grip on both the explosion of commercial players with innovative ideas for space utilization and the growing military interest in space as a tool of, and venue for, war.
By Theresa HitchensFrom solar power in space to the evolving roll of commercial satellites, 2022 saw more activity, and more controversy, in the heavens.
By Theresa Hitchens