Association of Old Crows 2017
The Latest from AOC 2017
“It is imperative that we, in concert with our allies and partners, remain committed to prioritizing our warfighters’ freedom of action and ability to achieve spectrum superiority,” Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro said, citing the prominence of EW capabilities in Ukraine and the Middle East.
By Justin KatzNumerous, redundant satellites in low Earth orbit will link the new Marine Littoral Regiments to joint commanders, allowing them to serve as the eyes and ears of the joint force in the Pacific, said Lt. Gen. Matthew Glavy.
By Sydney J. Freedberg Jr.“So I don’t think we’re mature enough in the learning that we’re doing with our multiple exercises and [we have] yet to define the problem we want to solve,” said Vice Adm. Jeffrey Trussler, deputy chief of naval operations for information warfare.
By Jaspreet GillThe new office will be led by Dave Tremper, director of electronic warfare in the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment.
By Jaspreet Gill“There are some other capabilities that I can’t talk about here, but we will look at how to build out the same type of approach Maven used for these non-GEOINT type use cases,” Deputy CDAO Margaret Palmieri said.
By Jaspreet Gill“Each of the services is clearly working on their own services capability gap so there’s a missing piece in terms of when we fight in a conflict,” Shyu said. “We don’t fight within a single service, we fight jointly.”
By Andrew Eversden“Other areas we’re looking for opportunities are also out in the Western Pacific and Indian Ocean, to develop new and different partnerships in space that we may not have enjoyed in other domains in the past,” Gen. DT Thompson, vice chief of the Space Force, says.
By Theresa HitchensThe US military is rebuilding its ability to protect its radios, sensors and radars while jamming those of its adversaries. But we’re still probably second or third in the world.
By Sydney J. Freedberg Jr.Training for electronic warfare threats is too easy, leaving troops dangerously unready for great power conflict. Scenarios are so unrealistic that one officer called them “garbage.”
By Sydney J. Freedberg Jr.