Mackenzie Eaglen


Stories by Mackenzie Eaglen

Hagel’s Strategic Review Falls Short; Make Hard Choices Now

Hagel’s Strategic Review Falls Short; Make Hard Choices Now
Hagel’s Strategic Review Falls Short; Make Hard Choices Now

When you add up the defense budget shortfalls for the next few years, it quickly becomes clear Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel’s recent Strategic Choices and Management Review (SCMR) looks to become just what he did not want: actions he will have to implement instead of a menu of options. Pentagon leaders must now consider most if…

Psst, Congress: You Don’t Really Know Sequestration’s Bite

Psst, Congress: You Don’t Really Know Sequestration’s Bite
Psst, Congress: You Don’t Really Know Sequestration’s Bite

After four months, we still know precious little about how sequestration — or automatic budget cuts in the name of debt reduction — is being implemented or what Pentagon priorities are most affected. But one important detail has become clear after the Pentagon recently released two reports. Leaders are trying to navigate near-term fiscal uncertainty,…

America’s Two Promises To Troops: A ‘Stark Choice’ Between Weapons And Benefits

America likes the idea that we have made a solemn promise to generously compensate our military service members. After all, the argument goes, how can we ever fully repay them for risking their lives for us? Providing  benefits like low-cost premium health care, comfortable pensions, housing allowances, grocery discounts, tuition assistance, tax breaks and much…

Hagel’s Budget: Where’s The Beef In Reform Efforts, Weapons Buys?

In a town full of hot air, speeches are a dime a dozen. But money still talks. So let’s compare the new Secretary of Defense’s policy agenda to his first proposed budget. While Leon Panetta, his predecessor, mostly built this budget, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel owns it now and has already spent a considerable amount…

America’s Superpower Status Goes Over The Fiscal Cliff

As our 2013 forecast series continues, American Enterprise Institute scholar and frequent Breaking Defense contributor MacKenzie Eaglen takes a grim look at the strategic consequences of the fiscal cliff. (Click here for the full series of forecasts so far). The nation is heading over the fiscal cliff, an economic triple threat — tax hikes, spending…

It’s Not Just Defense Cuts: Sequester Would Cripple Our Economy

If the election results are pretty clear next week, expect to hear two things: the sounds of snoring from an exhausted Washington political class and the first tentative mentions of the shape of a solution to the dire fiscal cliff our country may fall off of in January. Given the enormity of the repercussions facing…

Air Force Cuts Mean Service Is ‘Slowly Going Out of Business’

A year has passed since Congress passed and President Obama signed into law the Budget Control Act-the legislation mandating sequestration. Funding cuts that once seemed politically remote now loom large for leaders increasingly anxious about the impact $1.2 trillion in automatic budget reductions will have upon their respective districts and states. An estimated two million…

CNO Article Raises Doubts About Joint Strike Fighter

[This piece was originally published under the title “CNO Ready To Cut Back On F-35 Joint Strike Fighter,” which was factually incorrect; see our note below.] Chief of Naval Operations Jonathan Greenert’s recent article in Proceedings announces in public what many have already known in private: The U.S. Navy is not wholly committed to the…

Sequestration Is More Likely Than You Think

Sequestration: it’s a term only Washington could love. Behind the bland euphemism lie dramatic cuts to the U.S. military, shipbuilding and aerospace manufacturing jobs, and in communities across America. Washington politicians insist a half trillion in defense cuts — and the attendant degradation to our national security — is a reasoned belt tightening. In reality,…

Cutting Navy While Obama Pivots To Asia Does Not Add Up

You know it’s bad when the President’s own national security adviser calls the Secretary of Defense over for a meeting at the White House to explain exactly how the administration is “pivoting” to Asia yet shrinking the Navy and the Air Force. But that’s what happened earlier this year. It is no surprise given the…

Obama’s Shift-to-Asia Budget Is a Hollow Shell Game

If you take the Administration’s word for it, the most recent defense budget represents a sober-minded and far-thinking strategic shift from the Middle East to Asia, creating a smaller, high-tech force oriented increasingly towards inter-state conflict and deterrence. Many are even comparing the Pentagon’s current vision with that of former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld,…

What’s Likely in New Pentagon Strategy: 2 Theaters, Fewer Bases, A2AD

The threat of a $500 billion defense sequestration looms as a result of the Super Committee failure – a prospect that Secretary Panetta has called “potentially ruinous.” Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee Representative Howard “Buck” McKeon and some of his Senate colleagues have promised to introduce legislation to reverse the cuts. Meanwhile, the…

Will Congress Pull the Trigger and Shoot the U.S. Military?

Washington’s handling of the national debt crisis is sounding a lot like a script for a Hollywood action movie with all this talk of sequestration “triggers” and “doomsday.” The thrills will start in a few weeks when the congressional Super Committee will unveil its recommendations to cut at least $1.2 trillion from the federal budget…

Is Next-Gen. Bomber Biggest Air Force Mistake in Last 50 Years?

It may surprise many, but today’s Air Force cannot hold every contested target at risk, a fundamental strategic goal. Last week, Air Force Secretary Michael Donley and other senior leaders at the Air Force Association’s annual air and space conference made a clear and compelling case for long-range strike. The Air Force plans to fund…

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