Stories by Tim Ryan

Rain or shine: Why upgraded space-based weather-monitoring is crucial for the military

Rain or shine: Why upgraded space-based weather-monitoring is crucial for the military
Rain or shine: Why upgraded space-based weather-monitoring is crucial for the military

There’s a little-discussed but key space program that The Mitchell Institute’s Tim Ryan argues is in need of urgent upgrades.

Space Force faces disproportionate impact from a shutdown or CR

Space Force faces disproportionate impact from a shutdown or CR
Space Force faces disproportionate impact from a shutdown or CR

“As the newest service, one with plans to expand significantly every year, losing even a few months of work could set the entire effort back in the long term,” warn Charles Galbreath and Tim Ryan of the Mitchell Institute in this new op-ed.

To ensure JADC2, and to win in future conflicts, look to the transport layer in space

To ensure JADC2, and to win in future conflicts, look to the transport layer in space
To ensure JADC2, and to win in future conflicts, look to the transport layer in space

The side that can see and react to the battle will win the battle, so space-based sensors and communications layers are key, writes Tim Ryan of the Mitchell Institute.

Do the obvious thing: Establish a Space National Guard

Do the obvious thing: Establish a Space National Guard
Do the obvious thing: Establish a Space National Guard

Congress and the administration are faced with one of two solutions: establish a Space National Guard, or lose the manpower and experience that exists in the Air National Guard, argue Mitchell Institute’s Tim Ryan and AFA’s Stuart Pettis.