Search results for: china

‘Important step’: US, China resume military-to-military policy talks after comms freeze

‘Important step’: US, China resume military-to-military policy talks after comms freeze
‘Important step’: US, China resume military-to-military policy talks after comms freeze

For months Beijing boycotted military discussions, raising fears at the Pentagon that a miscommunication could lead to conflict.

China protests American ‘technological blockade’ amid semiconductor battle

China protests American ‘technological blockade’ amid semiconductor battle
China protests American ‘technological blockade’ amid semiconductor battle

The remarks come weeks after a US official promised a “very aggressive, innovative approach” to combating Beijing’s tech strategy.

China’s ‘dangerous actions,’ and regional chess moves: The Pacific in 2023

China’s ‘dangerous actions,’ and regional chess moves: The Pacific in 2023
China’s ‘dangerous actions,’ and regional chess moves: The Pacific in 2023

Months of Chinese harassment of Philippine vessels culminated in early December with up to 135 Chinese ships swarming the Philippines around Scarborough Shoal.

5 Indo-Pacific stories: China’s neighbors clasp hands while AUKUS tumbles along

5 Indo-Pacific stories: China’s neighbors clasp hands while AUKUS tumbles along
5 Indo-Pacific stories: China’s neighbors clasp hands while AUKUS tumbles along

The biggest strategic shift in the Indo-Pacific was clearly the combination of China’s economy faltering at the same time as turmoil roiled the top echelons of the Chinese Communist Party and its government.

To deter China, Space Force acquisition command focusing on networks, AI/ML and ‘dynamic’ ops

To deter China, Space Force acquisition command focusing on networks, AI/ML and ‘dynamic’ ops
To deter China, Space Force acquisition command focusing on networks, AI/ML and ‘dynamic’ ops

“I don’t care what it takes to get after the threat. That’s really the cultural change that we’re embarking upon,” SSC head Lt. Gen. Michael Guetlein told the Space Force Association’s inaugural Spacepower conference.

‘Let’s bring that margin back’: China, Russia too close for comfort in electronic warfare, say generals

‘Let’s bring that margin back’: China, Russia too close for comfort in electronic warfare, say generals
‘Let’s bring that margin back’: China, Russia too close for comfort in electronic warfare, say generals

“We still do hold a technological edge, but it’s a smaller edge than we used to have,” said Air Force Maj. Gen. David Snoddy. “We’re now focused on, let’s bring that margin back.”

US should ‘take advantage’ of China’s recent, ‘pretty malign behavior’: Senior Marine

US should ‘take advantage’ of China’s recent, ‘pretty malign behavior’: Senior Marine
US should ‘take advantage’ of China’s recent, ‘pretty malign behavior’: Senior Marine

“Like when you’re ramming ships, when you’re using water cannons, when you’re using underwater sonar, lasers blinding people — not helpful, not helpful at all,” said Brig. Gen. Stephen Lightfoot.

LeoLabs: Russia, China time suspicious space activity for some US holidays

LeoLabs: Russia, China time suspicious space activity for some US holidays
LeoLabs: Russia, China time suspicious space activity for some US holidays

The company said that on Thanksgiving, for instance, a Russian satellite’s sub-satellite — in a Matryoshka-style — released yet another satellite, in what a LeoLabs analysis said could’ve been timed for fewer American eyes on the sky.

Return of wolf warriors? China bangs drum loudly after US ship sails near Spratly Islands

Return of wolf warriors? China bangs drum loudly after US ship sails near Spratly Islands
Return of wolf warriors? China bangs drum loudly after US ship sails near Spratly Islands

“China’s actions point to a ratcheting up of pressure in support of spurious claims over the Nine-Dash Line,” one analyst told Breaking Defense.

‘Game on’: Raimondo calls for beefing up tech export controls to counter China

‘Game on’: Raimondo calls for beefing up tech export controls to counter China
‘Game on’: Raimondo calls for beefing up tech export controls to counter China

“We’re taking a very aggressive, innovative approach” to combating China’s tech strategy, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said at the Reagan Forum.

Still ways to go before mil-to-mil talks with China restart: NSC official

Still ways to go before mil-to-mil talks with China restart: NSC official
Still ways to go before mil-to-mil talks with China restart: NSC official

“Right now, of course, the secretary of defense does not have a counterpart; there is no [Chinese] minister of defense. We’re going to have to probably wait on that one,” NSC official Sarah Beran said.

Biden launches AI ‘risk and safety’ talks with China. Is nuclear C2 a likely focus?

Biden launches AI ‘risk and safety’ talks with China. Is nuclear C2 a likely focus?
Biden launches AI ‘risk and safety’ talks with China. Is nuclear C2 a likely focus?

Details are scant for now, but experts tell Breaking Defense that any AI agreement between China and the US could involve a pledge not to use AI in nuclear systems.

New data shows US topped China ‘Belt and Road’ spending in Pacific Islands by 2021

New data shows US topped China ‘Belt and Road’ spending in Pacific Islands by 2021
New data shows US topped China ‘Belt and Road’ spending in Pacific Islands by 2021

Beijing and Washington have been in a tug of war over political influence for the 14 Pacific Island nations.

UK lawmakers say ‘limited’, ‘modest’ Indo-Pacific presence not enough to address China threat

UK lawmakers say ‘limited’, ‘modest’ Indo-Pacific presence not enough to address China threat
UK lawmakers say ‘limited’, ‘modest’ Indo-Pacific presence not enough to address China threat

UK’s Defence Committee also called for greater support of Pacific nations and more clarity on the AUKUS submarine program.

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