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Navy Submariner Takes Pentagon Cyber Post

Navy Submariner Takes Pentagon Cyber Post
Navy Submariner Takes Pentagon Cyber Post

WASHINGTON: The Pentagon named a Navy cryptologist to a top cyber policy position today. Rear Adm. Sean Filipowski, who’ll get his second star with the new job, is a protégé of former NSA director Gen. Keith Alexander. Filipowski even served as Alexander’s intelligence chief at US Cyber Command — a position that requires keeping on…

Hill To Kendall On New Acquisition Laws: Nice But…

Hill To Kendall On New Acquisition Laws: Nice But…
Hill To Kendall On New Acquisition Laws: Nice But…

WASHINGTON: Congressional reaction to the first tranche of proposed new acquisition laws from the Pentagon’s acquisition czar, Frank Kendall, is unenthusiastic. Kendall and Rep. Mac Thornberry, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, have separately worked on a range of legislative and policy acquisition fixes for much of the last year. We haven’t heard much from…

Second Course Of Last Supper? Harris To Buy Exelis

Second Course Of Last Supper? Harris To Buy Exelis
Second Course Of Last Supper? Harris To Buy Exelis

UPDATED: Insights From Steve Grundman, Former DUSD Industrial Affairs WASHINGTON: For several years, senior Pentagon officials have said they don’t expect or encourage mergers of the giant defense companies, but mergers and acquisitions of smaller entities might well make sense. The first example we saw was the merger of ATK and Orbital Sciences. Today, Harris…

How To Manage Putin: Russia’s ‘Escalation Dominance’ 

How To Manage Putin: Russia’s ‘Escalation Dominance’ 
How To Manage Putin: Russia’s ‘Escalation Dominance’ 

As Secretary of State John Kerry arrives in Ukraine, it looks as if the White House and Congress are likely to approve sending weapons there to help Ukraine drive out or destroy Russian troops and their proxies. James Kitfield spoke with a range of current and former intelligence and defense officials to examine the best…

Carter’s Confirmation Hug: SASC Shows He May Be A Strong SecDef

Carter’s Confirmation Hug: SASC Shows He May Be A Strong SecDef
Carter’s Confirmation Hug: SASC Shows He May Be A Strong SecDef

WASHINGTON: Nomination hearings are never just about the nominee. But today’s Senate lovefest for Ash Carter was remarkably dominated by two men who weren’t in the room: President Obama — in whose defense Carter was actually pretty tepid — and King Abdullah II of Jordan. The Obama White House has simultaneously “micromanag[ed]” the military and…

Iraq And The Transformation of the Royal Australian Air Force

Iraq And The Transformation of the Royal Australian Air Force
Iraq And The Transformation of the Royal Australian Air Force

  Washington often grumbles about its allies and their contributions — or lack thereof — to the common defense. But some allies are making key investments in 21st century weapons to operate against 21st century threats. A good example is the Royal Australian Air Force  (RAAF) and its operations against ISIL in Iraq. The RAAF strike force flew…

Tanks Come Roaring Back In Army Budget

Tanks Come Roaring Back In Army Budget
Tanks Come Roaring Back In Army Budget

PENTAGON: After years of cuts and cancelled programs, tanks and other armored vehicles are beginning a comeback. In contrast to other investments in the 2016 budget request released today, the ground vehicle increases have so much congressional backing — and involve such relatively small amounts — that they’re actually likely to happen. Four tracked vehicle…

Air Force, Riding Budget Boost, Warns On Sequester; U-2 Is BACK!

Air Force, Riding Budget Boost, Warns On Sequester; U-2 Is BACK!
Air Force, Riding Budget Boost, Warns On Sequester; U-2 Is BACK!

PENTAGON: We won’t know much about it, but protecting America’s military satellites and the data they gather and share is a key target of the 2016 service budget. Several senior Pentagon budget wallahs declined in the top-level budget briefings today to answer specific questions about the spending levels of what is known as Space Situational Awareness (SSA) and…

Navy 2016 Budget Funds V-22 COD Buy, Carrier Refuel

Navy 2016 Budget Funds V-22 COD Buy, Carrier Refuel
Navy 2016 Budget Funds V-22 COD Buy, Carrier Refuel

  PENTAGON: The Navy 2016 budget yields to Congress’s strong opposition to the service’s previous efforts to cut the active fleet to save money. It funds nuclear refueling and overhaul of the aircraft carrier USS George Washington –that it had tried to retire — and modifies its plan to put 11 cruisers and an amphibious ship…

The Phantom 2016 Budget: What Will Congress Grant?

The Phantom 2016 Budget: What Will Congress Grant?
The Phantom 2016 Budget: What Will Congress Grant?

UPDATED: Adds HASC Chair And Ranking Reactions; Quotes Deputy Secretary Bob Work On Congress, Budget, Strategy PENTAGON: The Obama administration wants to increase the money spent on weapons in 2016 by $14.1 billion over what Congress approved in December. It’s a rare move by an administration to increase procurement so vigorously. In fact, the two largest…

Army Adds $500M For Helicopters, But…

Army Adds $500M For Helicopters, But…
Army Adds $500M For Helicopters, But…

PENTAGON: $473 million. That’s the amount the 2016 budget request would boost spending over 2015 to modernize the Army’s aging helicopter fleet.That’s a nine percent increase in a time of shrinking budgets, swelling aviation to more than the next two modernization accounts (ground vehicles and networks) combined. But the Army’s aircraft request may be dead on arrival.…

Northrop Ad To Run During Super Bowl: Hints At Next-Gen Bomber

Northrop Ad To Run During Super Bowl: Hints At Next-Gen Bomber
Northrop Ad To Run During Super Bowl: Hints At Next-Gen Bomber It will be one of the great weapons competitions of the 21st century. Northrop Grumman is competing against a team of Boeing and Lockheed Martin to build the Long Range Strike Bomber. The company has also created design teams to work on so-called sixth generation fighters for the Air Force and the Navy. With…

The 100 Year Helicopter: Sign Of Army Helo Fleet’s Vulnerability

The 100 Year Helicopter: Sign Of Army Helo Fleet’s Vulnerability
The 100 Year Helicopter: Sign Of Army Helo Fleet’s Vulnerability

ARLINGTON: You probably don’t plan to keep your current car for 20 years. But that’s what the US Army has to do with its helicopter fleet. With the Armed Aerial Scout (AAS) helicopter stillborn for lack of funds and the Future Vertical Lift (FVL) family not entering production until the 2030s, the Army has to invest carefully…

Air Force Ups Its Game On F-35, Names 2-Star To Coordinate

Air Force Ups Its Game On F-35, Names 2-Star To Coordinate
Air Force Ups Its Game On F-35, Names 2-Star To Coordinate

PENTAGON: In a clear sign of the growing importance of the F-35 to the Air Force as the aircraft nears IOC, the service is boosting the profile and office of the person working with the Joint Strike Fighter’s Joint Program Office from a colonel to a two-star general. The service announced today that Maj. Gen. Jeffrey…