EXCLUSIVE: Pentagon R&D chief defends RDER experimentation initiative after Senate broadside

EXCLUSIVE: Pentagon R&D chief defends RDER experimentation initiative after Senate broadside
EXCLUSIVE: Pentagon R&D chief defends RDER experimentation initiative after Senate broadside

“Every single undersecretary, every single service, every COCOM … they all concurred, thumbs up, on the first four sets of prototypes, that these are mature enough to get into production and rapid fielding,” Under Secretary Heidi Shyu told Breaking Defense in an exclusive interview on the progress of her Rapid Defense Experimentation Reserve.

SAC passes $852B defense bill, adding $21B and teeing up budget fight

SAC passes $852B defense bill, adding $21B and teeing up budget fight
SAC passes $852B defense bill, adding $21B and teeing up budget fight

The Senate Appropriations Committee’s FY25 defense spending bill adds $21 billion in emergency funding, allowing it to skirt spending caps without triggering sequestration.

House appropriators approve $833 billion defense bill, rebuking Ukraine aid amendment

House appropriators approve $833 billion defense bill, rebuking Ukraine aid amendment
House appropriators approve $833 billion defense bill, rebuking Ukraine aid amendment

Republicans defeated a measure that would have added $300 million to the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, saying the previously passed supplemental funding covered that need.

F-35, Israel win big in House appropriators’ $833B draft defense bill

F-35, Israel win big in House appropriators’ $833B draft defense bill
F-35, Israel win big in House appropriators’ $833B draft defense bill

The HAC-D’s version of the spending bill contains a heavy focus on culture war issues, but does increase spending for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter and the Defense Innovation Unit.

Congress passes $825 billion defense spending bill amid political battles, government shutdown threat

Congress passes $825 billion defense spending bill amid political battles, government shutdown threat
Congress passes $825 billion defense spending bill amid political battles, government shutdown threat

For the Pentagon, the bill’s passage signifies some return to normal order after having operated the first six months of the fiscal year under a continuing resolution.