Every Ship A Minesweeper? Navy Looks Beyond LCS

Every Ship A Minesweeper? Navy Looks Beyond LCS
Every Ship A Minesweeper? Navy Looks Beyond LCS

ANNAPOLIS: There are maybe half a million sea mines in arsenals around the world. To find and clear them, rather than rely solely on a small fleet of small Littoral Combat Ships, the Navy now wants at least some mine-hunting gear on a vessels ranging from modified oil tankers to catamarans to aircraft carriers. The…

Navy 2016: Stress, Shortfalls, & The Spectrum

Navy 2016: Stress, Shortfalls, & The Spectrum
Navy 2016: Stress, Shortfalls, & The Spectrum

2016 will be challenging for the Navy. At sea the fleet will continue to face demands that exceed its supply of forces, while at home the fiscal 2017 budget is likely to make difficult choices that prioritize high quality over adequate quantity. Most significantly for sailors, the supply-demand mismatch will get worse next year. While…

SASC Markup Whacks LRS Bomber; Adds 12 Super Hornets, 6 F-35Bs

SASC Markup Whacks LRS Bomber; Adds 12 Super Hornets, 6 F-35Bs
SASC Markup Whacks LRS Bomber; Adds 12 Super Hornets, 6 F-35Bs

WASHINGTON: The Navy won and the Air Force lost in the markup of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Sens. John McCain and Jack Reed presided over the SASC markup of the defense policy bill, cutting $860 million from three Air Force programs — including the two of the service’s top three priorities — and moving the money…

Hill To Navy: Hurry Up On Rail Guns, Lasers

Hill To Navy: Hurry Up On Rail Guns, Lasers
Hill To Navy: Hurry Up On Rail Guns, Lasers

WASHINGTON: Rail gun bullets move seven times the speed of sound. Laser beams fire at the speed of light. But Pentagon procurement? Not so fast. But with both Congress and the Navy Secretary expressing impatience, the Navy is accelerating its efforts to move both lasers and rail guns from the test phase into the fleet. “We’ve…

From Sailors To Robots: A Revolution In Clearing Mines

From Sailors To Robots: A Revolution In Clearing Mines
From Sailors To Robots: A Revolution In Clearing Mines

This is the third in our exclusive series on the crucial but neglected question of sea mines and how well — or not — the United States manages this global and very real threat. Here we’re looking at the most promising technologies, ships and aircraft that can give the United States the edge in this crucial and complex battle.…

Star Wars At Sea: Navy’s Laser Gets Real

Star Wars At Sea: Navy’s Laser Gets Real
Star Wars At Sea: Navy’s Laser Gets Real

PENTAGON: The age of laser weapons has officially begun. Since September, the Navy has had a $40 million, 30-kilowatt Laser Weapons System (LaWS) aboard the USS Ponce in the Persian Gulf. “They’re using it every single day,” said the Chief of Naval Research, Rear Adm. Matthew Klunder. Sailors — not contractors or engineers — perform basic…

Introducing America’s New ‘Expeditionary Fleet’

Introducing America’s New ‘Expeditionary Fleet’
Introducing America’s New ‘Expeditionary Fleet’

What’s in a name? A lot, especially for the military. Over the next decade, the Navy will take delivery of at least 32 Littoral Combat Ships (LCS); 10 Joint High Speed Vessels (JHSV); three Mobile Landing Platforms (MLP); several Afloat Forward Staging Bases; and new versions of amphibious assault ships and Ship-to-Shore connector craft. New…

Navy Faces Budget Shortfall Even If Sequester Goes Away

Navy Faces Budget Shortfall Even If Sequester Goes Away
Navy Faces Budget Shortfall Even If Sequester Goes Away

Even if Congress somehow rolls back sequestration, the Navy’s fiscal situation will be uncomfortably tight, like trying to steer a battleship through the Panama Canal. Under the president’s five-year budget plan — which assumes sequester away — the “real buying power” for the Navy and the Marine Corps declines after fiscal year 2016, the Navy…

US Military Could Not Handle One Major Theater Operation If Sequester Sticks

US Military Could Not Handle One Major Theater Operation If Sequester Sticks
US Military Could Not Handle One Major Theater Operation If Sequester Sticks

CAPITOL HILL:  Even the cameras stopped clicking in a hushed Armed Services hearing room today as Rep. Jim Cooper told the Joint Chiefs of Staff and his colleagues on the biggest committee in Congress today that America’s lawmakers had failed the country. “You gentlemen make life and death decisions in the Tank almost every day,”…

Senate Approps Keeps Global Hawks Flying; Army WIN-T Loses

WASHINGTON: The defense spending bill passed by the Senate Appropriations Committee today keeps Block 30 Global Hawk drones flying, instead of letting them be warehoused as the Air Force had planned, a congressional source confirmed to Breaking Defense. That is arguably the final flourish on Congress’s utter rejection of the Air Force’s proposed cuts in…