National Cyber Strategy seeks to ‘rebalance’ cyber responsibility towards industry

National Cyber Strategy seeks to ‘rebalance’ cyber responsibility towards industry
National Cyber Strategy seeks to ‘rebalance’ cyber responsibility towards industry

“The biggest, most capable and best positioned actors in our digital ecosystem can and should shoulder a greater share of the burden for managing cyber risk and keeping us all safe,” Acting National Cyber Director Kemba Walden said.

US making progress on cyber defense, but up against some ‘significant hurdles’: Commission report

US making progress on cyber defense, but up against some ‘significant hurdles’: Commission report
US making progress on cyber defense, but up against some ‘significant hurdles’: Commission report

In discussing the new Cyberspace Solarium Commission 2.0 report, Sen. Angus King speculated some cyber deterrence against Russia is already paying off, with Putin “afraid” of the NSA.

Government’s ‘Critical Software’ Rules Could Drive Away Industry

Government’s ‘Critical Software’ Rules Could Drive Away Industry
Government’s ‘Critical Software’ Rules Could Drive Away Industry

“It’s quite possible that if [the government] doesn’t get this right, then none of those companies will want to do business with government,” defense acquisition expert Bill Greenwalt told Breaking Defense. “That’s extremely problematic.”

China Likely Outed Soon For Exchange Hacks

China Likely Outed Soon For Exchange Hacks
China Likely Outed Soon For Exchange Hacks

The Exchange campaign attribution will also provide hints about the role of the first national cyber director in such incidents. NSA veteran Chris Inglis was confirmed for the position just weeks ago.

Sen. King Urges ‘Reimagining Conflict’ On Eve Of Cyber Nominees Hearing

Sen. King Urges ‘Reimagining Conflict’ On Eve Of Cyber Nominees Hearing
Sen. King Urges ‘Reimagining Conflict’ On Eve Of Cyber Nominees Hearing

“Someone told me I was like Chicken Little, but I prefer Paul Revere,” said Sen. King, who co-chaired the commission that recommended creating the national cyber director.

White House Winds Down SolarWinds, Exchange Cyber Teams

White House Winds Down SolarWinds, Exchange Cyber Teams
White House Winds Down SolarWinds, Exchange Cyber Teams

“The innovations… and the lessons learned from these responses will be used to improve future unified, whole of government responses to significant cyber incidents,” the White House says.

‘Huge Step Forward:’ Biden Taps First National Cyber Lead

‘Huge Step Forward:’ Biden Taps First National Cyber Lead
‘Huge Step Forward:’ Biden Taps First National Cyber Lead

The administration is set to nominate two NSA veterans, one for the newly created national cybersecurity director position and one to head CISA. The new leaders, once confirmed by Congress, will have their hands full.