Return of wolf warriors? China bangs drum loudly after US ship sails near Spratly Islands

Return of wolf warriors? China bangs drum loudly after US ship sails near Spratly Islands
Return of wolf warriors? China bangs drum loudly after US ship sails near Spratly Islands

“China’s actions point to a ratcheting up of pressure in support of spurious claims over the Nine-Dash Line,” one analyst told Breaking Defense.

US, Aussies funding Google undersea internet cables for Pacific Islands, with geostrategic implications

US, Aussies funding Google undersea internet cables for Pacific Islands, with geostrategic implications
US, Aussies funding Google undersea internet cables for Pacific Islands, with geostrategic implications

The investment by Australia and the United States into funding the new Google internet cables means the Pacific islands can avoid becoming integral parts of China’s global data collection.

As Albanese visits Biden, Navy tells lawmakers 4 AUKUS legislative proposals are ‘critical’

As Albanese visits Biden, Navy tells lawmakers 4 AUKUS legislative proposals are ‘critical’
As Albanese visits Biden, Navy tells lawmakers 4 AUKUS legislative proposals are ‘critical’

President Joe Biden and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will only hold general discussions about AUKUS today, administration officials told reporters.

US-Australia space launch accord likely on agenda at Biden-Albanese meeting

US-Australia space launch accord likely on agenda at Biden-Albanese meeting
US-Australia space launch accord likely on agenda at Biden-Albanese meeting

“We need launch capabilities in the Southern Hemisphere,” said Deanna Ryals, director of international affairs at the Space Force’s Space Systems Command, recently.

Aussie PM fends off AUKUS challenge from unions

Aussie PM fends off AUKUS challenge from unions
Aussie PM fends off AUKUS challenge from unions

“We have to analyse the world as it is rather than as we would want it to be. We have to bring our defense capabilities up to speed and AUKUS is central to that,” Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said.

Aussies tap Lockheed for 20 C-130s for AUD $9.8B, boosting reach, flexibility

Aussies tap Lockheed for 20 C-130s for AUD $9.8B, boosting reach, flexibility
Aussies tap Lockheed for 20 C-130s for AUD $9.8B, boosting reach, flexibility

“They’ve got better electronic warfare self protection, they’ve got better performance and they’ve got stronger airframes,” said defense procurement minister Pat Conroy about the C-130Js. “So, while it’s got the same name, it’s a better aircraft.”

Eye on US-China rivalry, Australia’s PM stresses ‘collective responsibility’ in key speech

Eye on US-China rivalry, Australia’s PM stresses ‘collective responsibility’ in key speech
Eye on US-China rivalry, Australia’s PM stresses ‘collective responsibility’ in key speech

“Doing our part to fulfill the shared responsibility all of us have to preserve peace and security,” Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said. “And making it crystal clear that when it comes to any unilateral attempt to change the status quo by force: be it in Taiwan, the South China Sea, the East China Sea or elsewhere, the risk of conflict will always far outweigh any potential reward.”

Aussies plan massive armored cuts; review charts shift to power projection

Aussies plan massive armored cuts; review charts shift to power projection
Aussies plan massive armored cuts; review charts shift to power projection

The planned purchase of Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFVs) will be cut from 450 to 129, a blow to competitors Hanwha and Rheinmetall.

Two former prime ministers push back on AUKUS, but will it matter?

Two former prime ministers push back on AUKUS, but will it matter?
Two former prime ministers push back on AUKUS, but will it matter?

Former Prime Minister Keating called the AUKUS plan a “deeply pathetic” move by the Labor Party he once led. He personally criticized Foreign Minister Penny Wong and Defense Minister Richard Marles for their roles, saying they were “seriously unwise ministers.”

China knocks AUKUS deal as destabilizing, while Albanese pledges defense boost for subs

China knocks AUKUS deal as destabilizing, while Albanese pledges defense boost for subs
China knocks AUKUS deal as destabilizing, while Albanese pledges defense boost for subs

“Well, there’s one country in the region that’s undergone the biggest peacetime militarization since the Second World War and that’s the People’s Republic of China,” said Australian Shadow Defense Minister Andrew Hastie. “So they can make comments like they have, but it’s kind of ironic given what they’re doing with their military.”

Australia delays largest program, IFV, as Strategic Defense Review grapples with ‘hard choices’

Australia delays largest program, IFV, as Strategic Defense Review grapples with ‘hard choices’
Australia delays largest program, IFV, as Strategic Defense Review grapples with ‘hard choices’

Will the SDR make big decisions and refocus Australia’s strategy? “It ultimately comes down to the ultimate question that we’re not really good at answering in this country— what are we really trying do with our military?” Marcus Hellyer of ASPI said.

Australia pays up to French sub maker for cancelled deal; Paris reacts positively

Australia pays up to French sub maker for cancelled deal; Paris reacts positively
Australia pays up to French sub maker for cancelled deal; Paris reacts positively

France’s defense minister said he hopes “this agreement and the change of the government team will make it possible to overcome the crisis of confidence with Australia.”

Aussie election: Labor win not likely to mean big defense changes

Aussie election: Labor win not likely to mean big defense changes
Aussie election: Labor win not likely to mean big defense changes

“What I have said, and we maintain, is that the relationship with China will remain a difficult one,” Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said at his swearing in. “It is China that has changed, not Australia.”