Israelis Push New Missile For Patriot Launchers: SkyCeptor

Israelis Push New Missile For Patriot Launchers: SkyCeptor
Israelis Push New Missile For Patriot Launchers: SkyCeptor

Patriot missiles are expensive. Rafael and its US partner Raytheon say they can fire the cheaper Israeli SkyCeptor from existing Patriot launchers. Will that tempt the US Army?

Big Fears Of Small Nukes Overblown

Big Fears Of Small Nukes Overblown
Big Fears Of Small Nukes Overblown

“Insane.” “Deeply dangerous.” Raises the risk of “nuclear exchange” and a “new arms race.” These are some of the serious accusations leveled against the recently leaked Nuclear Posture Review. Each presidential administration since Clinton has written an NPR, primarily to guide U.S. nuclear policy and priorities, but the 2018 NPR is shaping up to be…