At confirmation hearing, Army’s George talks recruitment, special ops cuts and Ukraine

At confirmation hearing, Army’s George talks recruitment, special ops cuts and Ukraine
At confirmation hearing, Army’s George talks recruitment, special ops cuts and Ukraine

President Joe Biden has tapped Lt. Gen. James Mingus to succeed George as the next Army vice chief of staff, but a political logjam has drawn a cloud over the entire confirmation process.

Biden nominates Army vice chief of staff Gen. Randy George to helm service

Biden nominates Army vice chief of staff Gen. Randy George to helm service
Biden nominates Army vice chief of staff Gen. Randy George to helm service

If the Senate approves Gen. Randy George as the Army’s next Chief of Staff, he will be overseeing the service at a time when it is dealing with recruiting challenges and shepherding weapon modernization programs to fruition.

Top Army officer warns of ‘terrible impact’ from Russian posture near Ukraine

Top Army officer warns of ‘terrible impact’ from Russian posture near Ukraine
Top Army officer warns of ‘terrible impact’ from Russian posture near Ukraine

The Kremlin could be preparing a multi-front invasion of Ukraine early next year, US intelligence reportedly says.

Wormuth Hints At Cuts To 35 Core Army Modernization Programs

Wormuth Hints At Cuts To 35 Core Army Modernization Programs
Wormuth Hints At Cuts To 35 Core Army Modernization Programs

“Well, I think there are going to be places where we’re probably going to have to make choices that we’re not thrilled about,” Army Secretary Christine Wormuth says.

Army Modernization Budget Drops $4.2B; Budget Drops $3.6B Overall

Army Modernization Budget Drops $4.2B; Budget Drops $3.6B Overall
Army Modernization Budget Drops $4.2B; Budget Drops $3.6B Overall

“We have a lot of people programs and we tried to protect those. Secondly, we tried to protect readiness. Third, we tried to protect modernization,” acting secretary John Whitley says.

‘No More Fruit’ In Army’s Budget Tree: McConville

‘No More Fruit’ In Army’s Budget Tree: McConville
‘No More Fruit’ In Army’s Budget Tree: McConville

The Army’s prioritized so ruthlessly that the top 11 percent of  programs will get 50 percent of the funding. The other 89 percent can’t take any more cuts without it killing them.

Afghanistan: Army Angst Over Uncertainty On Post-Pullout Demands

Afghanistan: Army Angst Over Uncertainty On Post-Pullout Demands
Afghanistan: Army Angst Over Uncertainty On Post-Pullout Demands

“What’s that going to mean from an operational perspective?” acting secretary John Whitley asks. “What’s that going to mean from a budgetary perspective?”

House Appropriators Fear Army Cuts, Continuing Resolution

House Appropriators Fear Army Cuts, Continuing Resolution
House Appropriators Fear Army Cuts, Continuing Resolution

“It looks like the Army’s going to take the lion’s share of the cuts,” possibly losing a tank brigade, warned Texas Republican John Carter.

Army: We Can’t Meet Joint Needs With Smaller Budget

Army: We Can’t Meet Joint Needs With Smaller Budget
Army: We Can’t Meet Joint Needs With Smaller Budget

Recent gains in readiness and modernization are fragile, Army leaders warned, and budget cuts would undermine the service’s ability to help the Joint Force.

Army Needs Armor For City Fights: Gen. McConville

Army Needs Armor For City Fights: Gen. McConville
Army Needs Armor For City Fights: Gen. McConville

The Army Chief of Staff defended the service’s ambitious modernization program, particularly new armored vehicles and long-range missiles.

Army Won’t Repeat Mistakes of FCS: Gen. Murray EXCLUSIVE

Army Won’t Repeat Mistakes of FCS: Gen. Murray EXCLUSIVE
Army Won’t Repeat Mistakes of FCS: Gen. Murray EXCLUSIVE

“There are a lot of differences between the FCS experience and the path we’re on,” the Army Futures Command chief told us. This time, he said, “I don’t think there is hubris. I think there’s actually humility.”

China—A Deadly ‘Infinite Game’: Army Chief McConville

China—A Deadly ‘Infinite Game’: Army Chief McConville
China—A Deadly ‘Infinite Game’: Army Chief McConville

Everything from social media to military advisors to open war is a potential tool of great power competition, Gen. James McConville writes — and the Army plays a vital role across that entire spectrum.

Give Us Three Good Years: Army Chief On Tight Budgets

Give Us Three Good Years: Army Chief On Tight Budgets
Give Us Three Good Years: Army Chief On Tight Budgets

“We probably need about two or three more years of good solid budgets” for modernization, Gen. James McConville said, so he’ll seek economies in readiness and personnel – but modestly and on the margins. Will that be enough?

Train Small Units For Big Wars: Gen. McConville

Train Small Units For Big Wars: Gen. McConville
Train Small Units For Big Wars: Gen. McConville

When high-tech enemies hack and jam communications, “small units need to be able to operate on their own,” the Army Chief of Staff said. “If they are not masters of their craft, they are not going to be able to do that.”