Can The US Army Transform Without A New Approach to Warfare?

Can The US Army Transform Without A New Approach to Warfare?
Can The US Army Transform Without A New Approach to Warfare?

When did the Army come to believe that acquiring new stuff fast equals modernization?

Army’s Basic Illusions Gone; Time For Futures Command

Army’s Basic Illusions Gone; Time For Futures Command
Army’s Basic Illusions Gone; Time For Futures Command

This is the second op-ed we’ve run by serving Army officials about how and why the service should be restructured so it can build its next generation of weapons and do it effectively. The Army, not known for going public with its internal (sometimes religious) debates, appears to understand that after getting so much wrong…

Army Modernization Reform Requires New Laws: General

Army Modernization Reform Requires New Laws: General
Army Modernization Reform Requires New Laws: General

WASHINGTON: The Army will ask Congress to change current law to help it buy weapons better, Maj. Gen. Bill Hix told reporters. Sure, the service can do and is doing a lot with its existing authorities, he said, such as create a Futures and Modernization Command (FMC), but comprehensive reform requires more. In fact, Lt.…

Army Shifts $1B In S&T, Plans Modernization Command: UnderSec McCarthy

Army Shifts $1B In S&T, Plans Modernization Command: UnderSec McCarthy
Army Shifts $1B In S&T, Plans Modernization Command: UnderSec McCarthy

PENTAGON: Merry Christmas, US Army. As you read this, the White House Office of Management and Budget is reviewing the service’s draft spending plan for 2019-2023, which reshuffles more than a billion dollars in science and technology funds, undersecretary of the Army Ryan McCarthy told me in an exclusive interview. The goal: to better resource…