SolarWinds Hack: ‘The Truth Is Much More Complicated’

SolarWinds Hack: ‘The Truth Is Much More Complicated’
SolarWinds Hack: ‘The Truth Is Much More Complicated’

SolarWinds threat actor reportedly accessed DHS emails and DoE schedules. Cyberespionage campaigns are “the types of things we should expect [Russia] to do,” one cybersecurity expert observed. “I’m not arguing we shouldn’t have a response. We should respond. …My only argument is that we should not overact.”

A ‘Solarium’ For Hacking: Sen. King  Launches Cyber Strategy Panel

A ‘Solarium’ For Hacking: Sen. King  Launches Cyber Strategy Panel
A ‘Solarium’ For Hacking: Sen. King Launches Cyber Strategy Panel

With members from Congress, the executive branch, and the private sector, the commission plans to issue a final report by year’s end.

NSA’s Rogers Won’t Say China Did OPM Hack

NSA’s Rogers Won’t Say China Did OPM Hack
NSA’s Rogers Won’t Say China Did OPM Hack

GEOINT: NSA Director Adm. Mike Rogers pointedly declined today to confirm whether China was behind the massive Office of Personnel Management hacks. “So what really makes you think that, as the head of NSA and Cyber Com, I’m going to talk with you about this,” he told a reporter here today. Breaking D readers can…