Army Tests New Missile Defense Brain, IBCS; Navy, MDA Intrigued

Army Tests New Missile Defense Brain, IBCS; Navy, MDA Intrigued
Army Tests New Missile Defense Brain, IBCS; Navy, MDA Intrigued

The Army’s missile defense force is getting a new brain. That’s the real meaning of a successful test yesterday of something called the Integrated Air & Missile Defense Battle Command System, or IBCS for (mercifully) short. IBCS doesn’t blow stuff up. A Patriot missile destroyed the target in last week’s test at White Sands Missile Range. IBCS doesn’t detect the…

Army Explores New Missile Defense Options

Army Explores New Missile Defense Options
Army Explores New Missile Defense Options

ARLINGTON: Hitting a bullet with a bullet is an astounding feat. But now that US missile defenses can do it routinely, we’re realizing it’s not enough. As technology spreads around the world, more countries are getting larger numbers of more capable missiles. A cash-strapped America can’t afford to shoot down each incoming threat with a…