Exclusive: Navy CNO On Rooting Out Extremists

Exclusive: Navy CNO On Rooting Out Extremists
Exclusive: Navy CNO On Rooting Out Extremists

“We have a responsibility to educate those that are leaving the service that they are going to be recruited by these people, and they need to be aware that they’re going to have people reach out via email or social media” Adm. Mike Gilday says.

Army Secretary Pledges 6,200 National Guard In DC By Weekend

Army Secretary Pledges 6,200 National Guard In DC By Weekend
Army Secretary Pledges 6,200 National Guard In DC By Weekend

Despite a heavy-handed military presence at earlier protests, there were no troops in evidence at the Capitol when it was overrun yesterday by pro-Trump rioters. Currently, 834 Guard troops are operational across DC, 741 of them guarding the Capitol and 93 manning traffic checkpoints.