“Given our poor record against the Chinese,” a former senior intelligence official said, “maybe we should start with good tradecraft and attention to CI [counterintelligence]. Basics. There is no silver bullet.”
By Colin Clark
The list is an impressive marker of the breadth of topics we cover as we chronicle the strategy, policy and politics that decide the weapons America and its allies buy, and how we use them.
By Colin Clark
Dean Cheng, a China analyst at the Heritage Foundation, called the inept spywork “very strange,” but noted similar acts are likely happening all across the United States.
By Paul McLeary
One of the biggest stories in Asia is the subject of this op-ed by former American senior intelligence official Nick Eftimiades. For an intriguing perspective on this, check out this China Daily “editorial” on Wang. Read on! The Editor. This month, the People’s Republic of China and its intelligence services again made headlines in the world…
By Nicholas Eftimiades
The People’s Republic of China has taken an active interest in collaboration with Israel on innovation and technology. In 2018, bilateral trade between the countries hit a record of $15.3 billion, up from just $51.5 million in 1992 and $13.1 billion in 2017.
By Arie Egozi
Trump’s declaration has to be translated into legal rules — by officials who don’t share his conciliatory stance.
By Sydney J. Freedberg Jr.
UPDATED: ManTech Cyber Expert Comment Added WASHINGTON: One day after reports that China has launched powerful and persistent cyber espionage attacks on a wide array of US and allied weapons systems, including stealing blueprints for a new building to house Australia’s top counterintelligence organization, the Pentagon spokesman says this has not led to an “erosion…
By Colin Clark
Chinese spies are different from those of most other wealthy and developed countries where the majority of spies are highly trained, with some serving under diplomatic cover and others operating under what the US Intelligence Community calls Non Official Cover (NOC). Chinese intelligence operations are the first in modern times to use, as a foundation,…
By Nicholas Eftimiades