‘Mandatory’ Cyber Info Sharing Bill Coming, Says Senate Intel Chair Warner

‘Mandatory’ Cyber Info Sharing Bill Coming, Says Senate Intel Chair Warner
‘Mandatory’ Cyber Info Sharing Bill Coming, Says Senate Intel Chair Warner

“My hope is that we can create this structure… to get an early warning system,” the Senate Intel Committee chair said. “Voluntary sharing is no longer effective.”

HASC Dems Put DoD On Notice: No Free Pass For F-35

HASC Dems Put DoD On Notice: No Free Pass For F-35
HASC Dems Put DoD On Notice: No Free Pass For F-35

“If this program continues to fail … we may need to invest in other more affordable programs, and backfill an operational shortfall of potentially over 800 tactical fighters,” said Rep. Donald Norcross, chair of the HASC tactical air and land forces subcommittee.

JADC2 Strategy Hits SecDef’s Desk ‘In Days;’ Tech Demos Already Planned

JADC2 Strategy Hits SecDef’s Desk ‘In Days;’ Tech Demos Already Planned
JADC2 Strategy Hits SecDef’s Desk ‘In Days;’ Tech Demos Already Planned

The first real-world effort “to stress test our ideas” for implementing JADC2 is coming up within the next two to three months, J6 Director Lt. Gen. Dennis Crall says.

How Long US Will Fund Afghan Military An ‘Open Question’

How Long US Will Fund Afghan Military An ‘Open Question’
How Long US Will Fund Afghan Military An ‘Open Question’

Lawmakers signaled today that the withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan may not mean the end of US commitment, particularly in supporting the Afghan special forces.

DoD Enjoins Congress For Flexibility To Buy JADC2 Tech Fast

DoD Enjoins Congress For Flexibility To Buy JADC2 Tech Fast
DoD Enjoins Congress For Flexibility To Buy JADC2 Tech Fast

Combatant commanders, have been clamoring for real-world access fast to new software tools.

‘Huge Step Forward:’ Biden Taps First National Cyber Lead

‘Huge Step Forward:’ Biden Taps First National Cyber Lead
‘Huge Step Forward:’ Biden Taps First National Cyber Lead

The administration is set to nominate two NSA veterans, one for the newly created national cybersecurity director position and one to head CISA. The new leaders, once confirmed by Congress, will have their hands full.

SMC Revamp Sidesteps Hill’s Space Acquisition Worries

SMC Revamp Sidesteps Hill’s Space Acquisition Worries
SMC Revamp Sidesteps Hill’s Space Acquisition Worries

“Clearly, this is not what Congress intended,” one former senior DoD official notes.

Sen. Young: ‘Go On Offense’ In China Tech Race; Bipartisan Bill Gathers Steam

Sen. Young: ‘Go On Offense’ In China Tech Race; Bipartisan Bill Gathers Steam
Sen. Young: ‘Go On Offense’ In China Tech Race; Bipartisan Bill Gathers Steam

“Some do not believe this is an appropriate role for the government…” Republican Sen. Young said in an interview. “…[B]ut, simply, the private sector and venture capital community is not up to shouldering this task on its own.”

Air Force Drone Plan May Rile MQ-9 Champions

Air Force Drone Plan May Rile MQ-9 Champions
Air Force Drone Plan May Rile MQ-9 Champions

“This is a new effort, as the expanded mission now goes beyond a strict MQ-9 replacement,” an AFLCMC spokesperson said. “This endeavor serves to explore concepts that address capability gaps of legacy platforms against increasingly sophisticated threats in denied, contested, and highly contested environments.”

New Democratic Push For DoD Cuts Highlights China, Shipbuilding Woes

New Democratic Push For DoD Cuts Highlights China, Shipbuilding Woes
New Democratic Push For DoD Cuts Highlights China, Shipbuilding Woes

“If we get into a conflict with China, this is not going to be like a World War II conflict where we have massive elements of the industrial base that can quickly convert to manufacturing the necessities for war…that’s just not going to happen,” Rep. Rob Wittman says.

Nakasone Warns Adversaries Hack Unseen In US

Nakasone Warns Adversaries Hack Unseen In US
Nakasone Warns Adversaries Hack Unseen In US

“We should understand what our adversaries are doing,” Gen. Nakasone told Congress. “They are no longer launching attacks from different parts in the world. They understand that they can come into the US, use our infrastructure, and there’s a blind spot for us not being able to see them.”

DoD Needs To Sharpen Hypersonics Oversight: GAO

DoD Needs To Sharpen Hypersonics Oversight: GAO
DoD Needs To Sharpen Hypersonics Oversight: GAO

GAO notes that efforts to defend against Russian and Chinese hypersonic missiles are much less mature than offensive efforts, with much less funding. Only 12 of 70 projects tracked by GAO related to defenses; DoD requested $207 million in 2021 for hypersonic defense, up from $157 million in 2020.

New Air Force ISR Strategy Ready, Including MQ-9

New Air Force ISR Strategy Ready, Including MQ-9
New Air Force ISR Strategy Ready, Including MQ-9

“I will tell you right now, the MQ-9 is still a very popular platform with the Combatant Commanders,” Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. CQ Brown admitted. “So,  it’s not something we can just walk away from.”

AMC Approves ‘Limited’ KC-46 Tanker Refueling

AMC Approves ‘Limited’ KC-46 Tanker Refueling
AMC Approves ‘Limited’ KC-46 Tanker Refueling

“I am confident that accepting the KC-46 with known deficiencies offers the fastest route to fielding a fully operationally capable weapon system,” she said. “That said, serious deficiencies and restrictions remain,” Air Mobility Command head Gen. Jacqueline Van Ovost told reporters.