Bankruptcy or bombs: Sprawling defense budget sets US up for financial and military ruin

Bankruptcy or bombs: Sprawling defense budget sets US up for financial and military ruin
Bankruptcy or bombs: Sprawling defense budget sets US up for financial and military ruin

Defense Priorities’ Daniel L. Davis argues the US should spend all the money necessary to keep the country safe and enable its armed forces to meet its global treaty obligations – but not to become the force of first resort for any nation on earth.

Stop The Malignant Misuse Of America’s Military

Stop The Malignant Misuse Of America’s Military
Stop The Malignant Misuse Of America’s Military

Last month, Secretary of Defense James Mattis warned that if Congress doesn’t “remove the defense caps,” he said, “then we’re questioning whether or not America has the ability to survive.” This claim that insufficient increases in Pentagon spending threatens American security is flatly wrong. The real and present danger to our national security is the…

US Should Stand Off In Syria; Not A Core Interest

US Should Stand Off In Syria; Not A Core Interest
US Should Stand Off In Syria; Not A Core Interest

After a U.S. F-18 shot down a Syrian fighter-bomber last week, Assad’s ally, Russia, declared that it would consider shooting down any U.S. aircraft west of the Euphrates river. The White House defiantly declared the US would defend itself if attacked. Risking a war with a nuclear power over a Syrian policy that does not advance core…

Trump’s ‘More Militaristic’ Acts Box US Into Corner

Trump’s ‘More Militaristic’ Acts Box US Into Corner
Trump’s ‘More Militaristic’ Acts Box US Into Corner

There is a narrative threading through Washington which smugly suggests that “instead of weakness, we now have strength” in the White House. After eight years of feckless “leading from behind,” President Trump has reasserted U.S. credibility, and as a result, our enemies fear and respect us again, resulting in a more secure global environment.  In…